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I woke up just in time for dinner. Oluo woke up too. "Good evening handsome~" I flirt. "Same to you beautiful~" I stroke his hair gently. "You're so handsome." "You really think so?" "Yes." "Thank you beautiful." I smiled and stroked his cheek. Oluo leaned into the touch. I continue. "Do you want to get dinner or just stay here for awhile?" "We should eat. Stay here. I'm sure Captain Levi's already gotten one prepared for you." "Ok handsome." I smile. Oluo got up and went to the Mess Hall. Levi gave him Julia's meal. Oluo thanked Levi and got himself food before heading back to Julia's room. Oluo entered the room. "Thank you Oluo." I smile. "Of course." He hands Julia her food. I started eating like I haven't eaten in days. Oluo chuckled a bit. I finished eating and lay Oluo's lap. Oluo was surprised by this. "Ummm.... Julia?" "Yeah?" "Umm... could you... move your head please?" Oluo asked softly but politely. "Of course." I moved my head off his lap. We both finished eating and we both lay down and cuddle again. Oluo held her gently. "This is nice." I hum as I stroke his hair. "It is." Oluo hummed as well. I gently scratch his undercut. Oluo hummed at the touch. "Like that?" Oluo nodded. I kept going and stroking his cheek too. I nuzzle his neck. Oluo hummed softly. "So how's your day?" I smile. "Good. You?" "Same." Oluo hummed. We look into each other's eyes. They looked into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. Oluo put his hand on Julia's face. His feelings for the girl grew. He wanted to tell her and even kiss her but what about Petra? If Julia makes the first move he'll reciprocate it. They stayed in that position for some time. I kissed his cheek. Oluo was surprised by the action but didn't say anything. "Oluo? Can I......kiss you? Just once please." Oluo was surprised by her question. But he did like her. "Um.... okay. Just once." I kiss him sweetly and lovingly. Oluo kissed back shyly and softly. He was a good kisser. I hum softly. Oluo also hummed a bit. We eventually pull away. "That was amazing Oluo." "It... was." Oluo said, still surprised. I stroke his cheek. "How do you feel?" "I don't know. I feel... something.... but don't know what it is." I look at him. "I think I know. It's love Oluo. You love both me and Petra. It may be a bit confusing at first but I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually." I kiss his cheek. Oluo blushed faintly but nodded. "I hope so." I hum softly and stroke his hair. Oluo hummed softly. I giggle softly. Oluo stroked Julia's hair as well. I nuzzle him. Oluo hummed again. "I love you." I mumble against his chest. Oluo didn't hear her but he looked down at her. I look up at him. "Did you say something?" I blushed and nodded. "Could you say it again? I didn't hear you." I blushed more. "I...I love you." I say softly. I was a little embarrassed. Oluo smiled a bit and patted her head. I kiss his nose. Oluo blushed and looked to the side. I smirk and did it again. Oluo groaned in embarrassment. I pepper kisses all over his face. "You're so cute!" "Hey! Knock it off." Oluo begged. I giggle and nuzzle him. "Your blush is just too adorable." Oluo groaned again in embarrassment. "Come on. You know you love me." I giggle and poke his cheek. Oluo gasped and suddenly stood up. "Whoa whoa hold on! You can't just assume that type of stuff. Look, you are an interesting girl but.... I don't want to do stuff like that. I have so many emotions racing through my mind. I need some time to consider things." He said. I tilt my head. "Not what I meant but sure?" I was confused on his sudden reaction. Oluo sighed softly. "I don't want to hurt your feelings but.... I'm very conflicted. I just need to think about things. May I.... have some time alone? You should rest. You're still injured." "Of course Oluo! Take all the time you need." I say softly. Oluo nodded. "Thank you. I'll check on you before bed." He said as he left her room. I smile and decided to go to sleep. Oluo went to his room and buried his face into his pillow and yelled in frustration. Once he was done, Oluo rolled over and stared at the ceiling. He sighed. "Why'd I have to do that to Julia? She's right. I do love her but I've loved Petra since cadet camp. God this is so confusing." Oluo ran his fingers through his hair. 'Maybe I'll shoot my shot with Petra. If it doesn't work, I'll see how I feel about Julia. If I really do like her, I'll ask her out.' Oluo thought to himself. Oluo nodded in confirmation of his thoughts and decided to go to sleep.

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