Mission Eren

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Oluo and I followed Mia. We got ready to fight. I was scared and held Oluo's hand. The Yeagerists tied up their hands and took them outside, into carriages like they were arresting them. "Oluo.... I'm scared." "It's okay... I am too." I sniffle softly. Oluo wanted to comfort her but he couldn't with his hands tied. I started crying. Oluo wanted to scream in anger but he knew he had to be strong for Julia. I tried to calm down. Oluo pressed his face to the side of the carriage. I whimper softly. "Luckily, not all of us are captured." Oluo said. I moved my wrists and managed to get free. "Oluo." I whispered and showed him. "Julia, what are you doing?!" Oluo whispered. "Shhhh! Just move your wrists and you'll break from the rope. I have a plan." "What plan? We can't escape. Those Yeagerists are everywhere! They'll shoot at us!" Oluo whispered through his teeth. I show him the hand gun I stole off one of them. "Pickpocketing always comes in handy." I smile. Oluo was surprised by this. I moved to Oluo and help him get free. "There." I hand a gun Levi gave me to him. "Levi gave me that one." I then explained my plan. "I won't question it." Oluo said, taking the gun. "I believe Mia is innocent. She was in her room when Eren left." I admit. "I have a feeling that she's in trouble and Eren is definitely behind it." I growled. "That bastard better not hurt her. "What? You believe she's innocent now?" Oluo asked. "I always did..... she's my best friend. I'm good at hiding my emotions." Oluo could see I was getting ready to attack. "Then why didn't you say something if you knew she was innocent? What were trying to do?" Oluo asked, confused. "I don't know.... I was scared I guess. Usually I would but it felt like it wasn't right." It was hard to explain. Oluo was confused by this. "Okay.... what's the plan, then?" He asked. I explained the plan. We were "going undercover." Then saving Mia. Oluo nodded. "Okay." He wasn't sure about this but nodded. "We pretty much need to steal the guns." We came to a stop.bOluo nodded. "Ready?" I whispered. Oluo nodded. They opened the door and we shoot them killing them. We take their guns walk back to start going back to the base. "That was surprisingly easy." Oluo nodded. "Surprisingly." We entered the building and listened for voices. I heard Eren and Mia talking. I hold my hand out to stop. Oluo did so. I smiled. "This is our chance." I opened the door and kept my head slightly down. Oluo nodded as they entered. Mia stood up slowly. She saw the escorts and instantly recognized them as Julia and Oluo. She ignored them in favor of looking at Eren one more time. Mia put on a brave face and said softly, "Good bye Eren." Then mouthed the words, "I love you." Eren did it back. I put my hand on Mia back. "Sorry about earlier." I whispered." Satisfied, Mia turned around left the room with the "Yeagerists". She knew it was Julia and Oluo. Mia heard Julia words but she wasn't ready yet. She just walked back to the base with my horse, holding her reins. Oluo could tell Julia wasn't expecting Mia's silent response. "Give her time." He whispered. I nodded. We met with Hange again. "I can't believe our plan worked!" I whispered softly to Oluo. "I was surprised too." Oluo whispered back. I hold his hand. Oluo gave her hand a squeeze. I hum softly. Oluo hummed softly back. I kiss his cheek. "You were amazing sweetheart." Oluo chuckled. "Thanks angel face." I giggle. "Of course handsome." Oluo smiled and patted her head. I smiled back. Oluo gave her hand another squeeze. I squeezed it back. We all go home. We all headed back home. We get back and discuss what we should do next. "Ok. Any questions?" Everyone shook their heads no. "Ok. Good. You're all dismissed." Everyone started to leave. Oluo and I go to our room. I lay down on the bed. Oluo laid down next to her. I lay my head on his chest. "This sucks." I state. We planned on going to the house and start fixing it but we were both a little tired. "Agreed." Oluo said. I sigh softly. Oluo sighed as well. I stroked his hair. Oluo hummed softly. I kept going. Oluo hummed more, feeling tired again. I nuzzle him. Oluo chuckled her action and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Do you want to take a nap?" I hum. Oluo nodded yes. "Ok." I whispered. Oluo hummed softly, yawning a little. I let him fall asleep. Oluo fell asleep. I play with his hair. Oluo hummed in his sleep. I kept going until I felt tired. Oluo stayed asleep. I fell asleep.

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