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Oluo kept hugging her close, rubbing her back in comfort. "I love you so much." "I love you too." Oluo whispered. "I know." "Good." I kiss him softly. "I miss having sex with you but I'll wait till you're ready again. I know it won't be long until then. When you are ready....I want you to rail me all night~" "You sure?~" Oluo kissed back. "Yes. I want you to be ready. I'm willing to wait." Oluo nodded. "Okay. Thank you." "Anything for you honey" Oluo smiled softly and kissed the top of her head. I smiled back. "You look so handsome with hair like that but....." I started to mess it up a bit. Oluo chuckled. "Hey." He said, trying to swat her hands away from his hair. His hair was back to how it used to be but a bit longer, it covered some of his undercut. "You also looked handsome like this." I whisper and move some of his hair out of his face. Oluo chuckled again. "Thank you." I smiled. "Of course." I run my fingers through his hair and roll onto my back. "Come here baby. I know Levi has been working you to the bone recently. Would you like to talk about and release some stress?" Oluo nodded. I open my arms so he could lay down. Oluo laid down in her arms. "So what's bothering you baby? I'll let just talk ok." I started rubbing his back. Oluo explained about the new training. I forgot that Oluo was in charge of the new training program. All of the original squad members were in charge of something or became a squad leader. Levi made me a squad leader. I was following in my dad's footsteps. "Well....if it makes you feel better, your new training exercises really put my squad though the ringer." I draw shapes on his back with my fingers. "Really?" "Yeah. They were exhausted." "Huh. I mean I get it. We're doing more than usual." "Yeah. But still. Good job." I keep drawing shapes. We moved on the the next topic of Oluo's constant stress. "Also stressed about our circumstances from two years ago. Regarding Yelena and other Marleyan people we teamed with." I nodded. Oluo explained he just feels uneasy about them. "We all do. I have bad feeling them." I keep going. Oluo hummed at the feeling. "Glad I'm not the only one." Then he surprisingly talks about how he's worried about the future. Our future. He mentioned how he worried that something will happen that will affect the future. "What do you mean?" "Just anything. Like something catastrophic or someone dying." "If I'm being honest, both are nothing new to us but I get where you're coming from. I think you and I both want to have a good future. It's morbid but we've lost countless people already during missions. I'm worried that Eren will betray us and join Zeke. If that happens..... it's over." Oluo nodded. "I'm worried too." "I'm worried about something else too. I know we're not ready to start a family yet but there are some things I still worry about. What if we find out I can't have kids. Or I have miscarriage. And the worst being I die during childbirth." It felt good to get that off my chest. Oluo held her tighter. "No way that'll happen." I nodded. "Promise." "Promise." "Ok." I whisper and continue rubbing his back. Oluo hummed at the feeling. We may be taking a break but that doesn't stop Oluo from nuzzling his face into the valley of my boobs. Oluo didn't want to do anything but he missed being this close to his wife. I giggle softly. "I see you miss it too." Oluo grumbled. "I just miss holding you close like this. We've been so busy." "I know baby. I miss it too." I stroke his hair. Oluo hummed softly at the new feeling. I kept going. Oluo yawned softly, tired. I yawned too. Eventually, the couple fell asleep.

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