Wedding Planning

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I smiled softly. "Can't believe we're almost done with planning the wedding." "I can't believe it either." "Shall we go into town this afternoon to by the flowers and ribbon?" Oluo nodded. "We shall." "I need to ask Mia something. I'll be right back." Oluo nodded. I saw Eren carrying Mia . "Hey guys! I have a quick question. Oluo and I are going into town this afternoon would you two want to join. Eren you can keep Oluo distracted while Mia and I shop for a wedding dress." Mia was still giggling. "Hey Julia! Um.... not sure... ah! I think someone needs some- ah! Attention right now! Ah! Eren, stop it!" She tried to talk but was too busy giggling because Eren's fingers were digging into her waist as he was holding her. She giggles softly. "Well, I'll be in Oluo's room if you change your mind. Or we can go tomorrow so the other girls can come with to pick the bridesmaids dresses too. Also will you be my maid of honor?" "I would be honored to boo! But yeah-ah! We can- hehe, get all the - hehe, girls together, and we can go dress shopping tomorrow. Ah! Eren, please!" Mia said, giggling in between my sentences. "Ok! Have fun! Use protection!" "Wait! What does that mean?!" Mia asked, still giggling as Julia left with a playful skip in her step. "Oluo I'm back." "Great. Ready to go?" "Yep." Oluo nodded and got up from the bed. Oluo wrapped his arm around as we walked into town. I smiled. Oluo smiled as well. We go to a craft shop and get the colored ribbon we need. I also got the paint and wood for the guitar. Oluo helped and made sure they got the correct colors and materials. "Thank you hun." "Of course sweetheart." We then go to the flower shop. "We should get flowers that match the theme or so.wthung very close to it." "That's perfect! I love it!" Oluo chuckled. "Alright then. We'll do that then." We got flowers in the matching colors. "Our wedding is going to be perfect!" I giggle excitedly. Oluo chuckled. "It'll be more than perfect." I kiss him quickly. "Shall we set the flowers up when we get back?" "Sure!" I hum as we got back. "I'm shopping with the girls tomorrow to get ready for the wedding. You should go do something with the guys. Be nice to them for once." Oluo chuckled. "Maybe." "Oluo. I mean it. Do you even have a best man picked out yet?" "I have thought about it. I can't choose though." "Ok. So who are you thinking of so far?" "Eld, Gunther are top contenders." "Ok. Out of those two who do you like and trust the most?" "I trust them both a lot." I sigh "Ok. Look, just pick one. Personally I would pick Eld." Oluo thought about it. He then nodded. "Okay. I thought it over quickly. Eld is a good choice." I smiled. "Go ask him before you change your mind." Oluo nodded. He found Eld and asked him and to his surprise, he said yes. He thanked Eld and made it back to Julia. I smiled. "What did he say?" "He said yes!" "That's great!" Oluo smiled. I smiled back. "How about you? Did you pick your people yet?" "Yeah. Mia is the maid of honor." Oluo chuckled, not surprised by the answer. I hug him. Oluo hugged back. "This will be beyond perfect~" "I agree~" I kiss him. Oluo kissed back. I run my fingers through his hair. "So sexy~" Oluo hummed, caressing Julia's hair with one hand. "And you're super beautiful~" I hum and nuzzle his neck. Oluo hummed and held her closer. I kiss his neck. Oluo hummed softly. "So handsome~" "So gorgeous~" I kiss him again. Oluo kissed back with a hum. I hum. Oluo hummed again. "You're perfect." We started our walk to the town. "God I love you." "I love you too." We set up the flowers. "It looks beautiful Oluo." "It sure does." "You did a good job." I smile. "Thank you sweetie." "You're welcome" "Anything else we need to do?" "Figure out the song we'll be dancing to." Oluo nodded. I smiled. Oluo smiled as well. "So do you have any ideas for the song?" "I have context on what ours could mean." "Ok. Can you tell me?" "Our song could be about us or maybe about how we feel about each other." "How bout both?" "Okay!" I giggle at his excitement. Oluo was excited to prepare his own wedding. I was excited too. Oluo kissed the top of head. "Anything else?" "How bout we practice. We've never danced together before." "Okay." We go to my room and I put on the perfect song. Oluo liked the beat to the song and when the words came on, he felt them. We started dancing. The couple danced to the song. There were no words spoken between them; only looking into each other's eyes. The song ends and I was lost in his hazel eyes. Oluo was lost in Julia's light blue eyes. We kiss. The kiss was sweet but also passionate. We pull away. "That was magical." "Very magical." "Should we do this song for our wedding?" Oluo nodded. "Ok." Oluo smiled.

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