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They made it back to Headquarters. We get back to my room and I fall asleep on my pillow. Oluo fell asleep on his bed, letting Julia have the pillow. The two pairs missed dinner and woke up the next morning. Oluo was still asleep. I woke up and saw Oluo was still sleeping. I noticed I was naked except for my underwear. I took the opportunity to cuddle up with him and go back to sleep. Oluo was knocked out and didn't notice. Oluo woke up but I was still asleep next to him. Oluo saw Julia naked and almost freaked out. He frantically got out the bed while also trying to be careful and quickly covered Julia with her covers. I woke up because of Oluo being frantic. "Oluo?" Are you ok?" Oluo was speechless. Until he spoke after a moment of silence, "You're.... you're naked." He said. I blushed bright red. "Damn.....Levi has my clothes. Oluo could you please go my clothes from Levi? I'd really appreciate it. Also I'm so sorry you have to see me like this." Oluo was completely embarrassed but he nodded and almost sprinting out of her room and headed to Levi's room. I sat up and covered myself as best as I could Oluo got to Levi's room and knocked. Levi opened the door. "What is it Bozado?" Levi asked annoyed. "Do you.... have.... Julia's clothes? She's.... human and.... is naked." Levi looked at him. "Yes. One second." Levi got the clothes and gave them to Oluo. Oluo came back to my room where I was. "Oluo, you're a life saver. Thank you." I sighed softly. Oluo nodded and gave Julia her clothes back. "Oluo, I'm going to change. If you could look away please." Oluo looked away. I quickly got changed. "I'm so sorry Oluo." I sighed. "You can look now." Oluo turned around. "It's alright." "You sure?" I wasn't really comfortable with how my body looked. I mean, I'm about as muscular as Mikasa but my abs aren't as noticeable. I also have a few scars and stretch marks. Oluo nodded. "Yeah. I'm sure." I hug him. "You're the best. Shall we go get breakfast?" Oluo patted the top of her head. "Sure." We hold hands as we come downstairs. Levi wasn't glaring at us. He actually smirked slightly. Oluo noticed and blushed lightly. I blushed too. Oluo tried to ignore it. I look at the boy who's face was dusted pink. Mia was right. He is conflicted about his feelings. Oluo was indeed. Oluo loved Petra but developed a small crush on Julia. Oluo wasn't sure what to do. I gently rub his hand with my thumb. Oluo looked at Julia. I smiled at the boy. Oluo hummed. They were now in the Mess Hall. I kept rubbing his hand. "Thanks." He whispered nonchalantly. "No problem." I smiled. We got food together and started flirting. This time, Oluo meant everything he said. He felt more comfortable flirting with Julia but some reason, he still felt conflicted. I was blushing lightly. I can tell he meant everything. Oluo did mean it. I wanted to kiss him so badly. He's so sweet and caring. How come everyone thinks he's an ass? Oluo knew most people thought of him like that and he'll admit he can be at times. But he'll admit it. I smiled softly as we continued. He even called me beautiful and gorgeous. He was telling her the truth for sure there. "You really think I'm beautiful?" I blush. "I do." Oluo nodded. I blush more. "'re too sweet." Oluo blushed in embarrassment. "You.... think so?" "Yeah." I cup his face with my hands. "I do. I can tell you care about me and I like that. You make me feel safe and comfortable." "I do?" "Yes you do Oluo. When we're done want to go cuddle?" "Sure." I smiled as we sit next to each other. Oluo smiled softly as well. We all started to eat. Levi said that we had training today. I was paired with Eren today. Mia had the unfortunate pleasure to be paired with Oluo. I smiled at Oluo before going over to Eren.

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