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Little did we know we were being watched by a curtain killer and his crew. Levi soon learned the truth when Kenny Ackerman appeared. "KENNY!!!" Levi yelled. I herd Levi yell. "Oluo! Ready to meet my real dad!" I ran towards the commotion. "Oh no." Oluo groaned. "Julia! Don't separate from the group!" He yelled but Julia didn't listen. She was furious that Kenny was here. I looked at Oluo. "HURRY UP!!!!" Oluo groaned. "Always jumping ahead." He grumbled as he followed after her. We caught up to Levi. I growled. I wanted to fight but Oluo wrapped his arms around me, holding me back. "Let me go Oluo. I want to kill that son of a bitch for abandoning me in the underground." Levi dodged Kenny's attacks. "I understand you have a score to settle but this isn't the way to do it. Besides, he has guns. You have swords. It's too risky." Oluo explained to Julia. Levi was chased into a tavern. Kenny taunted Levi as he had behind a bar table. He eventually shot Kenny and knocked him down in the street and escaped. I sigh and calmed down. Oluo has the power to keep me under control. "I'm sorry baby. I just...." Oluo shook his head. "It's alright. We are all riled up. Let's get back to the group." I nodded. Oluo escorted Julia back to the group safely. I sat on the roof. "What is he doing here?" I question. "I don't know. We'll find out soon though." Oluo said. "Would it be possible he's helping the MPs?" "Possibly." I sigh. Oluo and Julia made back to the group. "Hey where's Mia?" Everyone looked at Julia. "What?" Levi asked. "None of you noticed Mia is gone!" "Hold on. We saw her before the attack. We saw her fight with everyone in the warehouse." Armin assessed. Then his eyes widened. "Then no one saw her leave." "God Dammit!! I'll go find her. Oluo come on." Oluo groaned. "Coming." I found Mia. "Hun. Please stay there ok." I whispered. I jumped down. "Like hell you are." I stab the MPs. As Julia fought with the MPs, Mia took this chance to run. She used my gear to escape. As Mia was escaping, she heard a shot close to her. It didn't sound like a bullet. Then, suddenly, she felt really tired. She landed and looked around. Her vision was getting blurry. She then felt something in her neck. She pulled and saw a dart. 'Oh no.' Mia thought to herself. She felt weak and she collapsed. Mia saw a figure walk towards her, recognizing it as Kenny. He must've shot the dart. She tried to get up but she felt so weak and tired. Mia felt her body being picked up by Kenny and him flying away on his MP ODM gear before everything turned black and she was unconscious. "Shit!" I yell. The others heard the gunshots and yells. Meanwhile, the cart holding Eren and Historia was being rode by Armin but some of the MPs took over after Levi grabbed Jean and Sasha saved Armin. Eren and Historia were kidnapped as well. Mikasa tried to go after the cart but Levi stopped her. The others were shocked that Eren and Historia were captured. I escape the MPs. Oluo and I go back to the group and find out Eren and Historia were captured. Oluo cursed in frustration. "Shit!" I give the news that Mia was also captured. Levi seemed extra annoyed. The MPs and Kenny weren't after her. Why the hell did they take her? Everyone grew more distressed to find out that now three people of the Squad have been captured. "What are going to do Captain?" Armin asked. Levi scoffed. "We'll regroup and discuss what to do when Hange and Moblit return." We all nodded. Oluo learned I wasn't afraid of killing. I killed the MPs I fought. Oluo was a bit unnerved but he couldn't hate her for something like that. Hange and Moblit eventually return from seeing Erwin. I look at Oluo. "I know it's a bit unnerving to see me kill people but I'm used to it. When you grow up in the underground it's kill or be killed. You need to fight to survive. It's ruthless." "It's alright. I get it." Oluo said. I nodded. "Thank you babe." "You're welcome angel." I blush. "That's a new one." Oluo shrugged and patted her head. Levi informed Hange about what happened. Hange informed the group that the person that took Eren, Historia and Mia was Lord Reiss. We were all disappointed and angry.

The Day I Fell For YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon