Miche Is Gone

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They hugged her. "You can tell us whenever you're ready." Erwin said. Mia hugged them back. After a minute, she finally told them that Miche was dead and so were Nanaba and Gelgar. Implying that she was now an orphan again. She cried more. Everyone looked at the normally cheerful and optimistic girl crying and hugging the Commander tightly. Hange came up and volunteered to adopt her. "Mia, how about I adopt you?" Mia looked at Hange. "You.... you want to?" She asked, sniffling. "Yeah. Of course." Mia sniffled. "If you're okay with it.... I am too." She whispered. Hange joined the hug. Mia sniffled softly. We were taken back to the Walls where Ymir was severely injured and we found out that. Christa was now known as Historia. Then it happened. Reiner and Bert told Eren their secret and transformed. We all tried to stop them but they ended up taking Eren and Ymir. Everyone was in shock.

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