The Accident

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Today, we had an experiment to do for Eren. We went into an area in the woods and got set up. Eren to be in this well and he had to transform. Sadly it didn't work. Eren couldn't transform at the moment. Despite his best efforts, he didn't transform. He was very discouraged and it didn't help that there was so much pressure on him to learn how to control his Titan form. Hange could see how upset he was. Levi watched him looking at his hand and came over to him, handing him a roll of bandages. "Thank you Captain." We all watched. Oluo mumbled something about this whole thing being a complete disaster. Eren winced. His hand hurt a lot. Eren then suddenly dropped it with a pained grunt. He went to grab it but suddenly a flash of light surrounded him and wave of heat caused me to be pushed back a few feet and fall onto my back. Levi almost choked on his tea. Oluo, Eld, Gunther, and Petra were livid. I tried to calm Oluo down. "Hey! Oluo! Calm down, it was an accident." Eren had transformed but only partially. His arm was now trapped in a Titan arm. Levi was now in front of Eren trying to calm the rest of his Squad down, since they were now on high alert. Hange came running over excitedly. That's when everyone backed off. Hange begged Eren to touch the Titan arm and did it even though Eren warned her not to. She burned herself but she was still over excited. Eren pulled his arm out as Oluo was still yelling at him. Everyone calmed down a bit. We head back to the castle. The other members were waiting for something that Hange was observing and experimenting. The squad apologized to Eren by biting their hand. It was a surprising thing to witness. Even I winced when they bit into their hands. It looked like it hurt. But it gave me some respect for them for apologizing. I smiled.

Time skip

The day of the 57th Expedition was here. We are to explore outside the walls and to keep Eren safe from the Military Police. I was set in into the safest place in the formation. With the Levi Squad and Eren. I was placing behind Oluo. "Hun. I promise I got your back ok. We protect each other." Oluo smiled with a nod. "Okay. I got yours too." I saw Oluo's family. Oluo was smiling brightly at them and waved. I couldn't help but smile too. He's so cute. After that, Oluo tried to look cool but it was caught by Julia secretly. "I saw that. You're adorable." I giggle. Oluo blushed in embarrassment. "I love you." I hum. "I love you too." Erwin announced the mission and before we knew it, the 57th Expedition had begun. I was nervous but stayed brave. As the mission went on, we were unaware of the horrors that were happening to our comrades until.... we saw it. A female Titan acting way more intelligent than a normal Abnormal, running towards us. "Holy Fuck!!!!" I yell. The Squad started to panic and ask Levi for orders. Despite them believing Levi, Eren had his doubts and he wanted to help or turn into a Titan to fight the one chasing us. The rest of the Squad disagreed. Luckily we got away because of Erwin and Hange's plan. Levi left to meet with Erwin. We moved into the trees. I hugged Oluo, shaking. "That was scary." Oluo hugged her back. "It was. But we're alright now." He whispered. "Yeah, don't die on me ok." I whisper. "I won't." "I won't ether." "Good." Oluo said. The plan went downhill when the Female Titan roared and a bunch of Titans appeared and started to eat her, making her able to escape. Things were going bad quick so the rest of the Squad escaped by deciding to keep Eren safe. Soon the squad was fighting the female Titan. I was scared for Oluo. Gunther was already got seriously injured. They told us they could handle it. Eren transformed. Despite the best efforts of the Squad, things went terribly. Just when they thought they got her, Eld tries to go for the killing blow but the Female Titan grabbed him with her teeth and held him there, puncturing his ribs. Luckily, Petra and Julia managed to save him but this caused the Female Titan to her attention onto the two girls. Julia managed to move but the panic set in and landed weird on her right foot, twisting it. Petra tried to escape but didn't see a tree coming towards her and her head collided with it, knocking her out. Oluo pissed at what was happening tries to cut her nape but she unexpectedly hardens her skin, breaking his blades. He was shocked but not too stunned to dodge an attack from the Female Titan. She misses but the air momentum from said attack pushed him back and he hits multiple trees, breaking several bones in his body. I scream. "EREN NOW!!!!!!" I watched all of this happen in complete horror. I could tell Eren was hurt, betrayed and furious. He roared in anger. I moved over to Oluo. He was in a lot of pain. I stroke his hair. "You'll be ok baby. Everything will be ok." I whispered. Eren fought with the Female Titan until he was exhausted and she took him. Oluo groaned, feeling pain throughtout most of his body. He saw Julia wobble a bit, realizing she must've twisted her ankle. "You should sit...... you're wobbling." He said softly, feeling lightheaded. I sit down next to him. Oluo was breathing slowly; he was slowly losing consciousness. I held his hand. He leaned against me. Oluo's breathed slowed more. "Stay awake baby. Oluo groaned softly in pain and tried his best to stay awake. I squeezed his hand gently. After Levi and Mikasa saved Eren, Levi found the rest of the Squad and it looked like a bloodbath. Gunther was slashed in the side. Eld had his ribs punctured and broken a few. Petra was out cold from hitting her head too hard on the tree. Oluo had broken half of his ribs, his arm, both of his legs, his nose, and had a black eye. Julia luckily only got a few deep scrapes and a twisted ankle but she looked exhausted. We all went to the infirmary. The mission was disaster. So many people have died. Five out of seven of the Levi Squad members were severely injured and worse of all, Eren was to sent back to the Military Police to be executed. Everyone was in a foul mood. With more than half of the Levi Squad in the infirmary, Eren and Levi were left and were sitting in a dimly lit room in the basement. Levi was drinking tea while Eren just sat there silently. Thankfully Eren was allowed to stay in the scouts. Despite this, the Military Police still wanted to have Eren just so they could kill him for the mission failure. But it didn't work. I was better. My ankle was wrapped. Oluo on the other hand wasn't. Even though he's awake he broke so many bones. Everyone injured was required to rest for certain amount time and to not put pressure on anything.

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