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Oluo started getting handsy ever since we had sex yesterday. Not that I mind it's just that once he starts feeling jealous he'll give me enough affection to others a little uncomfortable. Like earlier to when I was with Jean and Connie.
I was talking with the boys when Oluo came up behind me. Oluo wrapped his arms her waist and picked her up, carrying her to her room. "Hey! Babe what the hell!? I was in the middle of a conversation!" I yelled. Oluo didn't say anything. He pinned her against the wall and kissed her hard and passionately. I tense up and don't kiss back. I was genuinely mad at him. "Oluo..." I say seriously. Oluo pulled away. "What?" "What. The. Hell. Was. That? I was in the middle of a conversation. The fuck do you think your doing?" I was mad and he could tell. Oluo flinched and dropped her, backing away. Now actually scared, because Julia was scary when angered, he left the room and slammed the door. I opened the door, ran after him, and grabbed his arm. "Oluo!" "What? You clearly don't understand how I feel right now." Oluo said, a dark aura present around him. I soften my tone a bit and sigh. "Oluo....what's wrong?... why'd you do that?" I hug him. Then I figured it out. "Are you.....jealous of Horse face and Connie?" Oluo blushed but nodded yes. "Hun.....why are you jealous? They're both major idiots and Jean looks like a horse." I was genuinely curious on why he would be jealous. Oluo blushed. "They're being themselves and they don't get judged." "How many times do I have to tell you this? You! Are! Perfect! Just! The! Way! You! Are!" I place my hands on his cheeks. "Also most of us make fun of Jean all the time." "You do?" Oluo asked. "Yeah. Especially Eren. They really don't like each other. Wait till you them fighting. It gets physical real fast." Oluo chuckled. "Oh God." I giggle. "You have nothing to worry about. We're engaged remember. I'm not leaving you. Ever. I promise." Oluo nodded with a soft smile. "Okay." "Now, kissed me like that again. It turned me on." Oluo smirked and picked her up. They got back to her room and kissed her again.
(End of flashback)

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