Chapter 38

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Drac's POV

I sighed.

"I'll come with you, period." I said, stood up and walk away.

Y/n's POV

'He's so unbelievable!'

"Jealous" Darell spoke.

I immediately look at Darell, "Drac is jealous?" I asked.

"Obviously" Wanda uttered.

I scoffs.


Drac and I are now at his car we are so silent.

I keep on stealing glance at him and he looks mad.

I sighed, "Uhmm.. are we there yet?" I asked, it's just an excuse so that I can talk to him.

"Not yet." He coldly replied.

I silently giggle, 'I really did made him mad.'

"Are you mad?" I asked.

He then look at me and then back to the road.

"No" he answered.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I smirk.

"Yes" He said.

"Your jealous aren't you?" I asked.

"No" He answered.

"Then why are you acting like that?"

"Ask Brit" He murmured, he thought that I didn't heard what he said.

I chuckle, "Your jealous." I teased.

He scoffs.

I then smirk and I started poking his side made him yelp.

"Y/n I'm driving" he said.

"So?" I said and I poke him again.

"Y/n, stop it we'll crash" He said trying not to yell.

"We're vampires, we won't die by car accidents." I said.

"I don't want my car to have a big scratch or even just a little one." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because this was Mom's gift before she died." He answered.

I felt guilty and pity, "Sorry" I apologize.

"It's alright. By the way, just call me if you want to go home, I'll just go somewhere." He uttered.

"You're not coming with me?"

"No, it is better if you and Brit should have time alone." He said.

"No, come with me and I'll come with you."

He suddenly stop the car in front of the big restaurant.

"We're here." He said.

"Come with me." I said.

"No, I told you I'm going somewhere." He argued.

My mood change, "Fine!" I said raising my voice then I went out of his car.

I expected that he would follow me but he just drove off making me mad even more.

I just went inside the restaurant and search everywhere for Brit, but since I didn't found him I asked the waiter where Brit is.

"Uhmm excuse me? Is this Brit Clarksville's restaurant?" I asked the waiter.

"Yes, Ma'am.." He said.

"Where is he?"

"At his office Ma'am."

"Can you call him for me? Tell him Y/n is looking for him." I said.

"Okay Ma'am, take a seat Ma'am while you wait." He said.

"Thank you" I thanked him as I smile, he nodded and walk away to call Brit.

I'm so excited to see him.

Minutes later, Brit sprung in. And gosh he is more handsome now than before!

"Y/n?" He spoke as he smile widely.

"Brit!" I said as I smile widely.

He immediately went to me and then we share hugs, we broke the hug and look at each other.

"Y/n! Goodness, is this you?" He asked.

"Ofcourse dummy! Omg I can't believe that we would meet again." I said.

"How did you know that I'm here?" He asked.

"Well my husband told me. You know Drake right?" I said.

"Woah! Drake is your husband? The Prince of Transylvania? The famous actor?" He asked.

"Yes sir" I said and smile.

"Woah! Oh yeah! I forgot that you two have movie together. I watched it and bruh you two look great."

"Thanks, so how are you?" I asked.

"Well I'm also married." He said and giggle.

"Really?!! Omg!!"

"We have two kids already, two girls." He informed.

"Omg! Where are they? Can I meet your family?" I said.

"Sure but not now, they're at my wife's parents." He said.

"Okay, but I'll meet them soon."

"Yeah yeah soon.. By the way are you the only one who went here?"

"Nope, Drake is with me."

"Where is he then?"

"He said he is going somewhere." I said as I rolled my eyes annoyed by Drac.

Brit suddenly chuckle, "You and your husband must not in a good term right now, ey?"

"I'm not gonna come with him later, I'll just walk towards home." I said.

"I'll drive you home then."

"No it's alright, I want some time alone too."

"Okay if that's what you want Countess" he teased.

"Shut up" I said as I blush.

"By the way, let's eat? My treat" he said.

"You already know my answer when it comes to treating" I said.

"Indeed.. Waiter?"

Drac's POV

I sat at the grass beside my Mother's grave.

"Hey Mom, I hope your doing well because your beloved son here is not. It's because of my beloved wife which is your daughter in law. If only your alive and see her, I'm sure you two will getting along. I'm not actually mad at her, I was just.... Jealous. Funny right?" I said as I stared at my Mom's grave.

"And Mom, I'm sorry if I didn't bring her here to you, we were so busy back then and what I have told you that we broke up.. I already tackled that to you, I went here when she left me. And I'm sorry if I only visit you once a month, I was so busy and besides Lydia, Dad, and Mavis come here to visit you. But I still felt guilty though, but I promise I will make it up to you. And Mom I have good news, my son, your grandson Darell Van Dracula is alive. And maybe soon I will bring him here to you. I'm sure you will like him."

After talking to my Mom, I waited for Y/n to call me, it's almost 6:00PM but she still didn't call me.

I snatch my phone unto my pocket to see if she messaged me but I haven't received any messages from her.

I sighed, "I'll just go there then."

I stood up and dusted myself then I look at my Mom's grave.

"I have to go Mom... I love you and I miss you." I said then I went to my car and drove off.

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