Chapter 15

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Darell's POV

I was in the mall to buy something. When Dracula's nephews spotted me.

"Darell?" Felix approach.

I turn my head to see them. Then I smiled at them.

"Oh, hey." I said.

"D-Darell?" Another new vampire boy approach.

"Ahmm.. Darell this is our bestfriend Alex and this is Vince" Axel introduced.

"Hey." The human approach.

Alex stared at me surprised.

"Ahmmm... Yes?" I said.

He snapped, "S-sorry it's just that... You look like my cousin who... Died.. His name is also Darell." Alex told.

"Ohh.. Ahmmm.. Sorry for your...lost" I said.

He just timidly smile.

"And hey... You look like Uncle Drac and your eyes we're like Mama Y/n." Vince the human said.

"Ohh.. yeah.. that's what people always say" I said.

"W-wanna go with us?" Alex asked.

"Where?" I asked.

"To the Hotel on where we all lived." Gon said.

"Okay." I said.

They all smiled and walk away. I smirk.

'I guess I'll be meeting the Lord of Darkness.' I thought.

Then I started walking to follow them.


Y/n's POV

"So? Do you still love Drac or not?" Vice asked. He never stop on asking me about that! And it's so annoying!

"Why do you keep on asking?!" I asked.

"Just curious."

I sighed.

"He already has that Olivia" I said and scoff. I really hate that girl.

"Are you jealous?" Karylle asked in a teasing tone.

I immediately look at her and glare at her.

"Why would I?!" I yelled.

"Calm down. I was just asking." She said as she smile at me teasingly.

"Ugh! You guys are so annoying!" I told and left the two. Then I went to my room.

Suddenly I received a call from my manager in the Philippines. My Gay manager, but he never wear girl outfits. I then pick up the call.

"Hi, Theo!" I greeted.

"Hi, babe! Babe! I have an important news for you! And gurl! Your gonna love this!" He said in a gay tone.

"What is it? Babe?!" I asked excitedly.

'Babe' is only our call sign, we don't have label. We're just friends and what I said earlier, his a gay.

"You're going to have a movie again!! And your partner is from Transylvania!! You will meet him next week!! And another great news, I will be in there tomorrow!" He said.

I got surprise and I squealed in happiness!

"Yess! I'm so excited!" I said.

Having a new movie again is my ultimate dream.

"And you'll come here tomorrow? Right?" I asked him.

"Yes, can't wait to see you babe!" He said.

"Mee too!"

I immediately ran outside my room to tell K and Vice. When suddenly I bumped into Drac and the gang.

"Sorry.. sorry.." I apologize.

He smiled, "It's alright. And why so rush?" He asked.

"Uhhh..." I was about to speak but then Theo spoke up.

"Babe? Are you still in there?" Theo spoke.

Drac's POV

"Uhhh" Y/n said.

Suddenly a man voice spoke through her phone.

"Babe? Are you still in there?" The man spoke.

My whole world stop as my heart began to ache. He already has a boyfriend.

"A-ahmm yeah! I'm still here! B-by the way I have to end the call! Bye!" Y/n said stuttering.

"Okay. I love you!" The man said.

"I love you too." Y/n responded then she end up the call.

I feel like I'm being stabbed by a wooden stake through my heart after hearing those. I thought I could get her back. But I guess.... I can't.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Griffin asked.

Y/n was silent at first then she look at me. Then look at Griffin again and smile.

"Yes." Y/n answered.

My body started heating up from anger, jealousy, and regrets.

I just sighed and faking my smile as I stared at Y/n.

"Stay strong... For the both of you." I told as I smile.

Y/n's POV

Drac was asking if Theo was my boyfriend. I planned on making him jealous so I answered 'yes' and I was expecting that he'll be sad, but I was wrong. He didn't get sad or get mad, instead he supported us.

"T-thanks." I told as I smile at him. A fake smile ofcourse. I wasn't happy that he supported us.

He gave me a short nod and smile genuinely at me. Then he walk away.

'He really does move on.' I thought.

3rd Person's POV

Darell and the others we're on there way to the Hotel.

They were now outside the Hotel. Darell stared at the Hotel.

Darell's POV

I was staring at the big castle in front of me in awe. But as I was staring at it I feel like I have been here.

But then my thoughts were interrupted when Myke approach me.

"Hey! Darell.. Let's go inside." He said.

I nodded. But I'm still confused of how I feel right now after I saw the Hotel.

I was about to follow them but then my phone rings. I snatch my phone unto my pocket. And I received a call from my Uncle. I immediately pick up the call.

"Hello? Uncle?" I spoke.

"You need to come home now." He said.

"O-okay, I'm on my way." I said and then hang up.

The boys look at me.

"I-I'm sorry guys but my Uncle just called me. And he wanted me to come home this instant." I said.

"Oh.. okay." Vince said.

"Maybe we'll just introduce you to our family next time" Alex told.

I just smiled at them.

"Thanks for understanding." I said.

They smiled.

Then I drove off.

-Hi! I know the chapter have been changed. My mind have changed so that's why. So bye! :)

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