Chapter 12

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Darell's POV

I was driving towards school since it's my first day. I already know how to drive and I already have my own sports car. It's my Uncle's gift on my 15th birthday. He gift me like this because incase his not around and I have to go somewhere important so he gave me a car and taught me how to drive. It was illegal but who cares, my height is like I'm already 18.

 It was illegal but who cares, my height is like I'm already 18

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(Darell's sports car)

I arrived at school and park my car, then stepped out.

I arrived at school and park my car, then stepped out

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(Darell's hairstyle and outfit)

I went inside and went to my room. I found an empty seat, I went to the empty seat and sat there silently. I have noticed girls squealed, but I just ignore them.

I snatch my phone on my pocket and scroll down. Suddenly a group of cool boys came inside. They spotted me and approach me.

"Hi there! New student?" A Frankenstein asked.

"Yeah." I answered and turn off my phone and look at them.

"You know what.. you look like Uncle-" the Mummy said but then I cutted him.

"Dracula. Yes, I know." I said.

That's what people always told me that I really look like Dracula the famous artist here in Transylvania also known as Drake.

"Can we be friends?" The Vampire boy asked.

"Yeah sure." I said.

This will be good, Dracula's nephews will be the one to led me to him.

"I'm Felix" the Frankenstein introduced.

"William" the wolf.

"Myke" a vampire.

"Marcus" the Mummy.

"Axel" I don't know what creature he is. Maybe a Gryphon?

"Gon" the invisible boy said as he disappeared then back.

(Invisible man can be seen in my story but they can be invisible whenever they want. Because of Frank's potion. And Marcus isn't really like Murray that is chubby. And Felix is also not big like Frank. Mwehehe)

"I'm Darell." I introduced.

They all look at me surprised.

"D-Darell?" Gon stutter.

I look at them confused.

"Is there any problem about my name?" I asked.

They all got silent for a moment.

But then Marcus spoke.

"Ahm.. N-no it's nothing.. Ahmm.. it is nice meeting you Darell." He said.


"Ahmm.. hey, since it's our first day being friends do you want to come with us? To the Hotel on where we live?" Myke asked.

"Sorry but I'm not available later. Maybe next time." I said.



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