Chapter 3

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3rd Person's POV

Drac got really changed, he always came home late and drunk. He even yelled at his wife.


Y/n is at the couch waiting for her husband to arrive. For how many hours of waiting, Drac arrived and as expected his drunk again.

Y/n open the door for him, Drac went inside not even bother to talk to Y/n.

Y/n sighed.

"Your drunk again?" Y/n said as she close the door.

But Drac didn't spoke, he just laid down on the couch and close his eyes.

Y/n sighed and got irritated, she understand why he acted like that though.


"Will you please SHUT UP! My head hurts!" He yelled.

Y/n got surprised, he never yelled at her before, well he got mad but he never yelled at her like that.

"Did you just yelled at me?" Y/n stated as she went to his front, furious.

"You know what Drac, ever since Darell died, you have been so cold to me an-"

"It's because it's your fault why my son got killed!" Drac yelled and sat up facing Y/n really mad.

Y/n got shock by his statement.

"You blamed me? Drac it's not my fault! It was an acc-"

"If you hadn't been so careless that wouldn't happened, my son wouldn't die!!" Drac stood up, tears started rolling through his cheeks same for Y/n.


"It's all your fault! You're so fucking careless!" Drac yelled.

Y/n slapped him.

"It's not my fault! I love Darell so much and I would never let him put into a situation to lose him! But.... I....I failed! I didn't saved him that time! I know what you felt right now, because he is also my son" Y/n stated while crying.

"You know what? Your not the Drac I know anymore, I don't know who you are anymore!" Y/n added burst out crying in front of Drac.

"And who's fault is that?! It's yours! It's your fault why I'm not the husband you know anymore!" Drac yelled.

He then use his telekinesis and a paper appeared on his hand. He then hand it to Y/n.

Y/n slowly accepted the paper, she then read it.. and she got surprise, she felt like her heart was being pierced with pain.

'Annulment?' Y/n thought.

"If your tired, just sign that" Drac spoke and left, he went to there room, leaving Y/n stunned.

She never expected that, Drac would do such thing as that.

Y/n love him so much, everytime Drac is been so cold to her she just thought that Drac is drunk that's why he acted like that, but even though his not drunk he have been so cold to her. But now? She can't take it anymore. That's why she made the choice, she sign the annulment paper. It's been 2 months, Draft acted like that.

Next Day

Drac woke up without Y/n beside him. He sat up from bed and he remembers the argument between him and Y/n's argument. He felt guilty, he then get off from bed, to apologize to her for all he have done this past few months. He was about to leave the room to find Y/n but then he saw a paper on the table with a letter and Y/n's ring.

Drac got curious, so he went to the table and grab the paper. And he got really surprised, he forgot that he gave her an annulment paper on there argument.

"She signed it" Drac mumbled.

He then look at the other paper, he then grab it and he read it.

My dearest Dracula,

I never expected that this would happen between us, I thought that we will be happy forever. To a great love You are exactly what all my life expects, you are what makes me turn every day in 180 degree turns, and although our love is forbidden, I cannot help loving you. I want to thank you for everything you do about me every time we love each other, because with your words, your caresses, your kisses and your looks, you make me the woman I am today.

You made me believe in love, in illusion, in shared dreams, and although I know that our love is not accepted, I cannot help feeling that this is stronger than my love for my family.

I want you to know that I have never loved or loved someone as much as you, and will continue to do so beyond death, because now that ours has to end, a part of me dies.

I am sad while writing this goodbye letter, because I know that I will no longer feel your caresses or your kisses, nor will I listen to all the sweet words that you have always told me.

In this farewell I wish you all the happiness in the world and find the love and happiness you seek and deserve. I will continue here and live with your memory inside me. That will keep me living, since you are part of that engine that moves me. I LOVE YOU DRAC, but I have to say GOODBYE.


Drac cried after he reads Y/n's letter, he felt guilty, mad, sad, hurt, and regrets.

He immediately grab his phone and dialed Y/n.... But she didn't answered.

He regret everything. He have been in the right person, but because of his madness the right person leave him.

"I love you, Y/n." Drac sobbed.

- :)

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