Chapter 33

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3rd Person's POV

Darell and Drac are enjoying playing basketball

Darell and Drac are enjoying playing basketball

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as Y/n watch them in the corner. She smiled as she watch the two playing.

Y/n's POV

As I stared at the two it makes me smile because Drac is like his playing with his son. But too bad the Darell he is playing right now isn't our son. But for now he became our son even if he isn't related to us. I love being called Mom by this kid though.

Drac's POV

As I enjoyed playing with Darell I saw Y/n in the corner looking at us smiling, I chuckle. And since I wanted to make time with her or at least hold her, I called her to play with us.

"Y/n, come on join us" I said.

"No, I don't know how to play basketball, I'll just watch here." She told.

I sighed.

I walk towards her and grab her arm.

"Come on, you have to play just this time." I told and drag her towards the basketball game.

I then gave her a ball.

"I-I don't know how play" she said as she gave me the ball back, but I didn't accept it.

I just hold her hand and said, "I'll teach you" I said, she blush. Makes me smile.

"Come on Mom" Darell said.

"O-okay" she said as she look away from me.

She then face the ring as she hold the ball, I then went to her back and place my hands unto her hands teaching her how to position her arms when she shoots the ball.

"Now shoot" I commanded.

She shoot the ball and she did the right job, because she shoot it perfectly.

She smiled widely, "I did it! I shoot the ball!" She said as she joyfully raise her hands.

She then went to Darell, "Did you saw it?!" She asked with full of enthusiasm.

Darell and I chuckle, "Yup, good job" Darell told and winks.

I giggle.

She then look at me and she chuckle, I gave her a thumbs up.

Ben's POV

"Hmm, so he is having a good time with his parents"

"He looks so happy" Chira suddenly told as she watch them.

I scoffs, "Yeah but that happiness will be over soon." I told.

"Are you really going to kill them?" Chira asked.

"I'm not the one that will going to kill them, it's their own son that will kill them both." I told and smirks.

"It's the same thing! You will control Darell!" She said as she raise her voice.

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