Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

I'm still at the bench crying.

Suddenly someone handed me a handkerchief.

I look up to see the person and my eyes widened.

"D-Drac? N-no.. Your eyes were different.." I uttered.

"Oh.. I'm not Drake, well everyone told me I really look like him but except for the eyes." He said.

My heart softened as I stared at the young boy in front of me.

He smiled at me.

"Here." He said as he handed me his handkerchief.

I accepted it.

"Thanks." I thanked him and then I started wiping my tears away.

He then sat beside me.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"I.. I just miss.. someone." I said.

"Oh? Who?" He asked.

"My son." I answered.

"Why? Where is he?"

I sighed and then I look at him, "His.... G-gone." I stutter and then I look away from him as I started tearing up again.

"O-oh.. I'm sorry for your lost." The boy said.

I just timidly smiled.

"What's his name?"


The boy went silent for a minute.

"Darell? What a coincidence.. My name is Darell too." The boy said.

I immediately look at him surprised.

"W-what?" I said.

"What do you mean what?"

"Y-your name is Darell too?" I asked.

"Yes." He said as he smile at me.

I stared at the boy, as I look at him I feel like my son is the one I'm talking to right now. But that's impossible Darell is gone I saw it in my two eyes. But what if... His alive? And it's him, the boy in front of me.

"Ohh.. I didn't expected that I'll be talking to a boy with same feature of Drake and same name of my son." I said as I smile at him. I'm really happy to be with this boy, I feel like I'm talking to my son.

He giggles, "Yeah.. So.. You like this place too?" Darell asked.

"Yep.. This is my favorite spot ever since I'm still in college." I told.

"Oohh.. This is my favorite spot too." Darell told.

"Same as my son." I said and smile at him.

When I said those words to him, he smiled but then it fades away. And then he held his head using his right arms and he started groaning.

"A-are you alright?" I asked worriedly.

Darell's POV

We don't have classes today so I have decided to visit my favorite spot in the park. I don't know why I like that place so much. I just feel like I have been there ever since I was a kid with someone, maybe my parents.

But when I arrive there I saw a woman in my favorite bench crying. I stared at the woman, she looks very familiar. I didn't saw her face so clearly because of her hair. But when she push it towards her ears. I got really surprised.

"It's... Ms. Y/n. What is she doing here? And why is she crying?" I mumbled.

I know her, she's one of my target, her and that Drake. I brought my favorite knife. I actually carry this everywhere I go. It's always behind my jacket.

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