Chapter 24

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Hi! I'm sorry for updating late, our school just started and it's hard for me to update because I have to study and do my homeworks. I'm really sorry, I hope you guys understand. And also thank you for supporting my books. I love my lovely readers, mwuahh!

Darell's POV

I immediately exited the clinic.

'Why does my Father and Drake has the same voice?'

'My Dad's movements are same as my Father's.... Darell... Calm down, that was just a dream, I'm sure that's not true..... But... What if... It is? I feel like I have been with my Father since I'm 1-4 years old.'

I suddenly realized something.. I stopped on walking as I asked myself.

"Why can't I remember the things I have been through when I was just 1-4 years old.. Why can't I remember anything?" I muttered.

I then grab my necklace that is hanged on my neck and I stared at it.

"That dream..... Is real. I should ask Uncle about it. Maybe he knows"

"Darell!" A masculine voice called.

I quickly hid my necklace back to my jacket. And glance over the person who called me.

"Alex?" I said.

"One and only." He said.

"What are you doing here?" He added.

"Ahmm.. I... Passed out lately and Ms. Y/n brought me here." I answered.

"Passed out? Why? What happened?" He asked.

"I was just having headache then I passed out. Maybe it's because of stress or something. But I'm fine now." I said.

Suddenly I heard Ms. Y/n and Mr. Drake come out to the clinic. And they spotted me.

"Hi, Uncle and Auntie" Alex approach.

"Hey Alex.. Oh hey Darell your still here?" Y/n said.

"Y-yeah.. I was about to leave but Alex spotted me" I said.

"You already know each other?" Drake asked.

"His actually my classmate. And yoww Uncle and Darell you two are really the same!" Alex said.

Drake and I glance to each other, then back to Alex.

"Hm.." Drake and I said.

"Oh.. Hey Man, you should meet the others before you go! If your not busy.." Alex said.

I sighed, maybe I'll just stay here for a while. To be honest I feel very comfortable when I'm with them, I feel like this is my home. Hmm.. What am I thinking now..

"Yeah sure.." I said.

"Are you sure?" Y/n asked.

I nodded.

"Great!!" Alex said. He then drag me.

At the Lobby

When we arrive at the lobby so many types of creatures surrounded me. But a group caught my attention. Those guys are Drake's bestfriends.

We then went to them.

"Hi guys" Alex approach them.

They all turn there heads towards us, but when there eyes landed on me, they look so shock.

"Drac! Why do you seem to be getting younger?!" Sir Max asked.

I actually know this guys.

"And your eyes changed into (your eye color) just like Y/n's eyes!" Sir Aiden said.

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