Chapter 34

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3rd Person's POV

Drac is panicking searching for Darell but he didn't find him anywhere when suddenly he bumped into Y/n.

"Drac! Where have you been? I was looking for you!"

"Y/n there is something you need to know"

"Let's just talk about that later! We are going to surprise Dennis now!" Y/n told.

Drac even forgot that today is his grandson's bday.

"But Y/n-"

"No more buts! They are waiting for us, Dennis will woke up soon! So let's go!" Y/n told and drag him to the ball room.

When they arrive there they ready themselves to surprise Dennis. When Dennis went inside the room they greeted him as many balloons fallen down to him.

Dennis smiled widely and hug everyone as he thank them.

"Can't wait for tonight's party!" Johnny yelled.

"Same Dad!" Dennis smiled.

Y/n then approach Drac.

"So? What are you going to tell me?" She asked.

"Darell.." he spoke.

"Oh yes! Where is he?!" She asked.

"He left"

"What do you mean he left?"

"I went inside his room and I saw his cabinet empty.."

"What?! We have to find him" Y/n said frantically.

"There is another thing"

"What is it?!"

"He is our son" Drac told.

"Drac! He is our son, he called us Mom and Dad"

"What I mean is he is our real son! Our son is alive!"


Drac then showed Y/n the necklace.

Y/n froze in place when she saw the necklace.

"My... Son's necklace" she spoke.


She started tearing up.

"His alive"

Drac smiled.

"Yes he is"

"My son is alive!" Y/n said made everyone to look at her.

"What?" Mavis asked.

Y/n turn to everyone as she tearing up.

"Your brother is alive" Y/n informed.

"How can you be so sure?" Mavis asked.

Y/n then showed them the necklace made them gasped.

"I saw that necklace unto his bed earlier" Drac spoke.

Mavis covered her mouth with her hands as he cried in joy she immediately hug Y/n.

"Yesss!! I knew it! That Darell is Uncle Drac's son!" Alex said in excitement.

"It's totally obvious!" Dennis said.

"But I have a bad news guys" Drac told.

Everyone look at him.

"He... He left" Y/n told.

"What?!" Mavis reacted.

"We have to find him" Dennis told.

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