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Location: Mount weather / Harvest Chamber
Year : 2149

Clarke remained in the harvest chamber, bile rising in her throat at the sight before her was pushed aside, she walks to Anya's cage, the once fierce grounder was now pale of blood loss, she looks haggard with dark circles underneath her eyes.

"I'm gonna get you out of here" Clarke whispered but gets no response other than the grounder staring at her with her dead eyes.

Chamber and finds a bar she can use as a crowbar to pry the lock open. She successfully breaks the lock freeing Anya however, she soon notices Dr. Tsing entering.

"Get in" Clarke hissed at the woman and didn't wait for a response she pushed the grounder back inside of the cage before getting in herself, Anya grunts but when Dr.Tsing starts to walk down the rows of cages, Clarke holds her breath hoping to remain invisible , a hope that didn't come but Dr.Tsing was disgusted when all the grounders she passed held out there hands through the cages, trying to touch her, her disgust in visible and Clarke has to fight her own urges to either attack or insult the woman.

When Tsing finally has enough the grounders she turns and leaves the harvest chamber. Once she's gone, Clarke releases a heavy breath and looks to her unlikely companion.

"We've gotta go now." She swings open the cage freeing herself and Anya , after running into a room the alarm in room blares, a red light flashes above them, signaling unauthorized access. Clarke grits her teeth in annoyance, these bastards had too many alarms in this damn place.

"What is that?" Anya asked

Clarke doesn't immediately respond instead she looks for a way out and lays eyes on a trash chute without another thought she shoves Anya toward it and throws herself in next. The trash chute leads to a dumpster but where she expects trash she finds a mass of dead bodies.

The blondes stomach roils in disgust, she jumps up, using her new discovered core strength and reaches out to Anya "Take my hand."

Once both of them are away from the dead bodies "We're out. Hey come on, get dressed. We won't cover any ground like this." She urges the grounder to move but Anya stands her ground as weak as she was, Clarke was sure a gentle breeze would bowl her over.

"I won't leave my people behind."

The blonde groans internally "Anya listen to me, my people are still inside there. But they have guards they have weapons once we're out we can find help and come back and get them"

Anya scoffs silently "There is no 'we'" she paused but Clarke beats her too it when she hears faint footsteps.

"Someone's coming."

Clarke shook her head "No, not just someone , those are reapers. We have to move now." Anya staggered and Clarke looked back to the dumpster filled with bodies.

"Hey, Anya, you can't fight you can hardly stand. I have a better idea come on." She said and pushed the woman toward the dumpster , they both jumped in and covered their mouths.


Location: Astra city
Orions keep( Tower name)
Communications floor
Year :2149

"Something else entered earth's atmosphere ? Have we been able to get images of what passed through it?" Asteria questioned her employees.

"We have your grace, it seems to a missile."

"A missile?" She echoed

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