Birthed from the universe

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Their trip to the underground lab was made in silence. Fortunately due to her vast connections she's cultivated over the years under different identities she glossed over the fact that she was building a militaristic underground bunker with various tunnels leading through Holmes County.

The small County once belonged to Amish communities years ago but after time more Amish people assimilated and adopted a more modernized lifestyle but the beauty of the county and somewhat isolated area suited perfectly to her needs.

Since the initial meeting of 'the world might end as we know it' a name much too long to remember or even care about, they searched all over the US for suitable places.

In terms of people , government interference and everything else that could deter them from their plans they core group unanimously chose Holmes County.

To be honest she had no idea where the hell it was but after narrowing it down on a map , she came around to the idea. It was ideal and she liked the scenery. The abundant nature surrounding them also made for a peaceful existence for the past few years.

The metal walls enclosing around her now however, was stifling. The rhythmic tapping of her boots on the linoleum floors were nerve inducing . She didn't like closed spaces, she enjoyed the sun and it's warmth , she enjoyed laying beneath the open skies, as millions of stars watched over her. It brought a sense of comfort she equated to how home would feel.

Soon the duo reached a set of electromagnetic doors. After keying the code, she scanned her finger prints and waited for the their doors to open.

"It's funny." Theo commented out of nowhere. She didn't say anything instead waited for him to finish his thoughts "You have fingerprints."

Lara nearly laughed out loud "I can mimic a humans functions, this just so happens to be my favored form. Which means I mimic everything. Right down to fingerprints. It's not as strange as you believe it to be."

"Yeah but your DNA structure isn't exactly human nor are your genetics. So isn't these tests pointless if you're mimicking a humans body?" Theo asked curiously.

Lara hummed "You're right, I have the ability to manipulate my inner workings to that of a human. However these tests have been specially created and altered to match my differences. New machinery attuned to my original structure." She explained as the doors opened, inside was a standard lab, but the silver metallic tables were filled with various items, in the corner of the room were two hand built machines, one being a C-Arm and the other a Standard MRI machine. One of the few they rebuilt.

"Okay so what exactly does that mean? I'm not DNA and you know body smart. I deal with technology and algorithms." Theo responded after waving hello to a few people.

Lara pursed her lips "Think of it as a algorithm then. You run certain data according to specific algorithms to get a specific match." She explained "But there isn't a algorithm that matches my data. So the only hope we have to get a step closer to find out what I'm made of , whether it's normal human cells, advanced cells or another structure we haven't yet come across."

Amber walked up to them "Ah Miss Larkin you're here. we've got your results." She gestured with her head "If you could follow me please."

Lara nodded "To be continued Theo." She said and followed the woman with Theo trailing after her, she didn't stop him. After all she was most likely going to share whatever findings with him too.

They entered a semi private office as much as privacy one could have with glass windows. The office was entirely white not off white or eggshell whit, a blinding white, it gave her the eery feel of a mental hospital— a padded white room, alone with her thoughts driving her insane. She only just held back a shudder.

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