To War III

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Location : Polis
Date : 11 January 2150

Clarke follows the map in Lincoln's journal when they reached a fork.

She closed her eyes and concentrated every single one of her senses and embraced her magic just like Asteria told her too.

She goes to move but something enters her range and she glanced at the two soldiers beside her , silently she motioned them to get their weapons ready.

Captain Cavanagh, she learned used sign language as a method of communication.

"How many princess?" Cavenagh mouths

She concentrates and feels two separate pairs of feet, she uses her fingers to gesture how many.

With nod Cavenagh takes point and covers her.
Clarke wanted to argue but decided not too, he was just doing his job. As he turns the corner before he gets a shot off. Clarke grabs his shoulder when she sees the familiar faces.

"Stop." She whisper yelled

Cavanagh doesn't lower his weapon but doesn't shoot either.

"Clarke?" Bellamy breathed out in relief "You're not dead."

Clarke made a face "Thanks. Good to see you too." She pointed to pike "what the the hell are you doing with him?"

Bellamy grimaced "I know. I'm sure you've seen the shit happening? Well we need every gun the city's gone to the dogs."

A voice scoffs coming up behind Clarke startling the blonde "This isn't a city, it's a very big squatter camp."

"Dammit! Asteria wear a damn bell." Clarke hissed with her gun out of its holster and pointed in Asteria's face.

Asteria nearly goes cross eyed "you should've heard me coming princess." She said with smirk "Now your gun darling. We don't have time for role play right now."

The comment makes Clarke choke on her spit "God.."

Asteria winks and turns "Right, I managed to find out what the passphrase is to activate and deactivate the AI now all we need to do is take the tower."

Bellamy frowned "There's hundreds of grounders" he finds his sister "O" he greeted with a relieved smile.

"Touching reunions later. So they have people covering all the entrances?" Asteria asks Bellamy and Pike.

"Yeah, towers on shut down. Jaha is in the throne room." Pike confirmed.

"We have to follow the tunnels there should be one without anyone watching it." Clarke says with a bit more optimism.

Asteria hums "Well.. we need a distraction. Something big." A slow smirk curled up on her lips "And I think I have just the man and girl for the job." She doesn't move to explain instead she speaks to Cavenagh "Contact Xavier and the little bird , tell them operation 'night night' is a go."

"Operation night night?" Clarke asks with a small smile.

Asteria rolled her eyes "Not all of them can be winners. But yes before we left I tasked Raven and Monty with a very important job. If we need to get a large group of people , I'd need them to be prepared."


Location : airspace above polis

Xavier grinned into the radio and shared a look with his co-pilot. "Ready for some action Reyes?"

Raven matched his grin "I wish she agreed to use using nerve gas instead." She bemoaned jokingly.

Only in the darkness can you see the starsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora