F i f t y E i g h t

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Irene came back to it after a while. She was in terrible shape, but she was feeling 10 itmes better. She awoke back at her moms house with some aching to her body. There was no suyrprise to that since the last she remembered was Jay coming to Logan and cutting him off from one of the worst things Logan possibly ever couldve done to her. She was just happy to start to come back to it and see where she was. She was back at her moms house, under a pink blanket in her moms futon and her head propped on a white pillow.

She sat back up, her back bruised and aching painfully. She yawned and looked around to see no one around and she was sleeping in her living room in her futon. She felt something start to vibrate by her calf and stretched her back, groaning and grabbing her phone. She picked up her phone and looked down to see it was a call from Vasco. She just nearly missed answering the green button when the call ended and flashed to her lock screen. A picture of Daniel and her when they were babies in duck costumes for Halloween always made her smile to herself. Her notifications read out in a small list.

7:34 pm
5 Missed calls from Vasco
2 Messages from Vasco
1 message from Gun

She clenched her teeth and looked down at her phone for a face ID. She smiled and the phone unlocked to her messages. She scrolled through her messages to Gun and Vasco's names. She typed on their names and glanced through them breifly along with the ones she missed awhile ago from Mira and Zoe.

Who was that?
Are you alright?

Hey, I don't know if its late or when you're coming back from your moms, but I have a dinner party to go to with some friends. Do you want to go? I'll pay for everything and you won't have to worry about any expenses.

Mira& Zoe& Yui
Zoe: Ladies, lets go on a date tomorrow
Yui: Definitely<3
Mira: We should go see the new romance movie coming outtt
Zoe: Oh my god
Mira: We gottas wait and see if IRENE RESPONDS, but i rlly wanna go
Zoe: Is the showing of 5:30-7:45 good?
Mira: Yup
Yui: Yesss

Irene smiled seeing the plans her friend made. She hoped it wouldn't interfere with the plans she was going to try and accept Gun's. She sighed with a smile and looked down and answered Vasco's call.


Big Daniel and Irene walked into their home once again. Irene smiled and took in a deep breath with her arms spread out widely. She felt so free and happy just to walk back into her own home. She set her arms up and took a deep breath in with a thin smile on her face. The house was dark and looked a little messy and sad, but she was excited to be here again.

"Brrr. Its getting really cold out around this time of year already. You hungry? I can make us some warm chicken soup that mom used to make." Irene asked and plopped her bag down onto the floor beside her rolled up futon in the corner.

"No." Daniel immediately said, surprising Irene a bit.

"Why?" She asked. Whenever she asked that question it didnt matter which body it was he always gave her the same answer. Never once was it no.

"Im gonna change bodies and im going to go find Vasco and ask him to train me." He answered, determination was slipping through each word. Irene made a puzzled face as she looked back at him in the kitchen. She opened the fridge, not really expecting him to be serious, but when he left for a bit and came back as his original body. We wore a dark grey hoodie and matching sweatpants.

"What're you doing?" She asked as he walked over into the kitchen beside her. He opened the upper cabinet beside the fridge and reached up onto his tippy toes. He reached up and grabbed something inside of the cabinet and came back down onto his heels with a small, plastic water bottle.

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