F o r t y S i x

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    "Nice face, Daniel!!" Zoe laughed with the others.

    "You're a heavy sleeper." Yui commented.

    Daniel awoke blinking his eyes on repeat. He brushed his black bed head back out of his face. He awoke on the futon on the pillow with Jiho a few feet away and Irene curled into a small little sad ball into the corner with a blanket draped over her. All 3 of them had markings on their faces. Irene had a permanent marker trail down her face and sad looking eyebrows, Daniel had a twirl on his cheek and facial hair like Vasco's drawn on his face and 'goof' written on his other cheek and Jiho was just complete scribbled in black wherever his skin was showing.

    "Look at the paint job. Hehe." Zoe laughed.

    "He drank and pukes and i had to clean it up!" Mira said, pretending to gag.

    "Hey! Did you put my toothbrush on his thing?!" Zack yelled from the bathroom.

    "Ugh...alcohol." Jiho groaned and moaned tiredly with a pounding headache.

    Daniel sat up and looked around to see his sister. He looked over to the corner and found her starting to wake up from all the laughing. He saw Irene with marker tears drawn on her cheeks. Irene was sitting up in her blanket with it draped over her head. Her bangs and her hair was scattered all around and in her face as she stared blankly in front of her down at her legs.

    "Get up! Come on lets go! Whoever is late will be doing squats until lunch!" They heard Zeus yell from down the hall. "You have 10 minutes!"

    The 7 were now all completely awake now and jumped up in a flash. The boys all ran out of the completely trashed room and the girls all stripped off their pajamas and changed into the long sleeves given to them from the beginning. Irene wore some black leggings and the long sleeve shirt. She wore some old sneakers and brushed her hair and her teeth. Irene put her hair up into a high ponytail and scrubbed her face until it was red.

    Irene ran downstairs after seeing all her friends left. She started running down the hallway with bright red cheeks. Her legs were aching from the tiredness and her headache was pounding. She ran down to the elevator and waited for a moment. She ran her hand through her hair, being completely stressed. She ran out of the lobby with her scrubbed red cheeks all the way out to the morning mountain cool air.

    Even though Irene was in a rush, she couldn't help but look out at all the beautiful nature and scenery around. The all mountains and the luscious trees. Her class were all out of sight until she saw Mira and Yui waving her over behind a tree. Irene ran breathlessly through the front lot and ran over. She turned the corner and saw Zeus talking with Zoe and Mira. They immediately all looked over to Irene, just standing there knowing she got caught.

    "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be—"

    "It's alright. Try to do better next time, okay?" Zeus tried to calm her down. He walked over and suddenly paused looking at her. He just stared at her for a moment with a confused look to him and suddenly touched reached up and touched Irene's red cheek.

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