T h i r t y E i g h t

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    Mira pulled on Irene away from the Burn knuckles members. She pulled her back toward Daniel to get away from the fighting, but Irene still tried to stay close to Vasco. She knew he was more than capable of protecting himself, but she still wanted to be near him. She wanted to try and do anything she could for him.

    Vasco glanced over to see Irene getting dragged away by Mira and Yui as she stared at him with a desperate face. Like a child getting dragged away from a candy store. He wanted her to stay safe and he wasn't sure if being with the others would keep her safe. She was precious to him and if he was the strongest one here he vowed he would do everything in his possibilities to keep him safe.

    He quickly grabbed her wrist as the Burn Knuckles started away at the guys. Irene stood in front of him with a smile, looking up at him. She was happy she could at least be with the guy she liked so much.

    Now they had to snap to reality. Woong was the first to walk up to the guys. He was instantly charged at by two of the con artist's members. He wasn't phased one bit though. He clutched onto both of their heads with his long arms and big hands from the back of their heads. He slammed both their faces into one another with a loud crack.

    Ira jumped up and bent his knee and twisted his body. He fisted his hands and stretched his leg up in the air. He slammed his foot straight into one of the guys face so hard it sent him flying in midair for a moment. He gritted his teeth and turned to the two boys behind him trembling. He smirked and pulled his extended leg back and quickly rocketed his shin into both of the boys groins. They shrieked and fell to the ground.

    Jace ran forward in front of Vasco and kneed one of the guys straight in the middle of his face. He smirked while doing so as if this was just another casual beating he had every Tuesday. He didn't hesitate to fist the other guys in the face with the other members. They all seemed like beasts compared to the Gian members. They were nothing. Blood splattered everywhere with the con artist's men dropping like flies one at a time, but quickly. You looked away at one of the members battling at least 2 and you would glance over to see the ones that were just fighting a different member were now coughing or grunting in pain on the ground.

    Now Woojin was really seeing the true strength of these guys. He wasn't even meaning Vasco, since he hadn't seen his power yet. He was looking at the guys under him. They were pummeling his men down to the ground. They would never be the monster gang Vasco's men got the reputation of. They would never have such a reputation of them. They were too strong. He couldn't imagine what guy like this were looking up to a guy like Vasco. He looked terrifying. His muscles, his tattoo's, his angular and slim facial features. His body.

    "Jace, how'd you know i was here?" Vasco asked as Jace got done with his last man he was fighting to the ground with.

    "That's friendship! By now we communicate with telepathy." Jace smirked with his back turned to Vasco and Irene. Irene looked down at the guy's kneeling back with an eyebrow raised. She knew it was fake and Vasco probably did too—he didn't.

    Vasco sniffled with a smile. "Ahh. I knew it."

    Irene was dumbfounded. She was going to find out how he figured it out.

    "But you didn't all need to come!" Vasco turned his head, looking around at all his friends still standing on their feet, towering over their opponents laying on the cement.

    "What do you mean, Vasco?! We're friends! Thats sad!" They all yelled in unison. Irene smiled. She was envious of the tight bond they all had with each other and Vasco. The amount of loyalty really synced them together. She wondered how they possibly came to form such strong bonds.

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