T w e n t y o n e

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Irene and her brother were busy mopping up the empty schools room. Irene and Daniel asked to have the same cleaning duties to be able to go home at the same time.

"Its so quiet in here..." Daniel mumbled as he mopped the floors. Irene was busy cleaning the windows from top to bottom and didn't notice since she had one side of her earbuds in.

"Then what're you thinking about?" Irene asked. Daniel always found it easy to start a conversation with Irene since she always had something on her mind to talk about. She didn't like a lot of things, but if he asked her something about dogs, music, art or anything academically she could go on an hour tangent and all he had to do was ask questions and slowly moved onto a different topic and switch through the topics.

She was also an amazing listener. If he ever needed to tell anybody anything his first pick would always be his sister.

"Im wondering if i really should perform like all those girls were telling me to." He said, pulling his arms back and forth.

"Well how do you feel about it?" Irene asked.

"Just the thought makes me nervous. I didn't think i would ever be able to be on a stage without people booing me. I never thought people would ask me to go on stage." He answered.

"I mean we always sing at home when we are alone, but its nothing serious. If anything you should be the one out there performing in front of anyone. Your voice is incredible, but now that people are asking me to perform and i don't know if they ever will if this body disappears."

"Then what scares you about performing? Messing up, the audience, stage problem?" She asked and turned to him. He stopped mopping and looked down at the sparkling tiles reflecting off the sunsets orange light.

"The audience. Im terrified of it." He answered.

"Okay, then look at me and we'll sing together and try it out first just us two with no one around." She smiled and put down the spray bottle and paper towels.

Daniel nodded and propped broom against the wall and walked in front of her. Irene started them off with a song they always got noise complaints from—well against Daniel.

They sang care free. Daniel did amazing as he always did even though his voice was off a bit and the pitch was probably too low for them to harmonize correctly. Irene sang with all confidence.

She was off a bit too though since she hadn't sung in a couple days. She always got some practice since Daniel and her fought every other minute. Irene sounded gorgeous. She knew a few techniques to project her voice, make her voice roll, go soft to low, chest voice and head voice.

(The video in the beginning is how she sounds like.)

Irene may have had a better voice and technique with a wide range, but Daniel's voice was emotional and had its beauty.

Duke was walking down the hall when he heard a woman and man's voice singing. He was floored by both. Her voice was amazing. She sounded like an idol him and Irene were talking about at lunch because her voice was under rated and one of the bests in the industry. The mans voice was off, but it was far more emotional than the woman's. It was long and emotional like a cry out to help for him to stumble upon ihm and save him form his loneliness.

Duke followed the two voices and found himself in front of a room. There they were. The last person Duke expected was Irene Park and Daniel Park to be duetting in the empty room.

Once they finished Irene smiled proudly at her brother.

"See? If you imagine this time while your up on stage you'll be fine." She smiled.

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