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    This morning was the morning of the mid-terms

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    This morning was the morning of the mid-terms. The morning started off great for many. The sun was bright, the sky was clear and blue. The clouds seemed fluffier than usual. Kids all around were getting ready and walking to school asif it was another day.

    That was not the case for the Park twins. Irene didn't have a clean uniform, Daniel lost his notes, Irene lost her phone, Daniel woke up late, Irene still wasn't feeling well. The entire morning was a complete disaster for the two. They could barely pay attention to one thing in front of them before finding something else wrong.

    The two were running out while putting on their shoes and fixing up their hair. Irene was brushing her hair as she ran and Daniel was putting on his tie. Irene and Daniel were hauling ass down the hill, but luckily they were both fit in this situation. Irene was huffing trying to sprint behind Daniel. The bright sky highlighted them as they ran with the breeze flowing through their clothes and hair, maving them ripple and wave.

    They finally reached the classroom after a while, but 2 minutes late. Irene put a hand on Daniel's arm to help herself from letting her knee's give out under her. Daniel put his hands on his knee's and cocked his head back. The entire class looked back, puzzled. The twins looked pretty awful for their usual clean, preppy appearance.

    "Please, go to your seats." The teacher made an annoyed face at the two gorgeous kids huffing loudly in the back of the room.

    Irene and Daniel didn't say anything, but the group watched them all together. Irene's chest was burning like she was on fire, her side was stabbing her, the air seemed to be so thin it was never enough after each inhale. Irene didnt like that they were separated, so she was in a different row.

    They eventually all had to sit in different seats randomized. Irene sat in the front row with Zoe to her right and the wall with windows to her left. She didn't like the seat change, but it was tolerable. She knew it was scaring Daniel though, and it was.

    This was only the first day of the midterms and Irene felt like her chest was painfully tight. She was going to be doing her mid term tests alone. It scared her. She went over everything at least 10 times over the days. Her mind was tight as she thought over everything. She felt like she was going to suffocate

    She spent her time prepping for the test, and now it was sitting in front of her. There were timed sections, and she knew that meant pacing herself on the problems. This was the Literature and history section, which were some of Irene's easier subjects.  She took a deep breath, reminding herself of not stress herself out with a test. She had to remember, and for all students around the world, grades dont determine your worth.


"Please put your pencils down, and wait until we are allowed for lunch at the bell." The teacher instructed the students in the classroom. They were all pretty mentally drained as they sat with half-lidded, sleepy eyes. Their eyes always seemed to be hazed from the exams and the constant work of their brains for the past 4 hours.

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