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542 33 2

        Zack was enraged

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Zack was enraged. He lunged forward off one of his feet and ran straight for the two. His mouth was open as he yelled and his fists were clenched to the point his knuckles turned white. He was so fast it surprised Zeus. He jumped off Mira and stood with a fighting posture. He held his hands in front of his face with his own hands curling into fists. He glared at Zack through his posture and watched Zack's quick movements from afar.

"What's this?" He asked. "Hey! Are you alone?" Zeus asked.

Zack paid no attention. He was blinded by his own rage. The only thing he could see was red. This guy was trying to violate the girl he loved and her best friend. Nothing was rational at this point. He stretched his fist straight out and aimed for the bastards chest, but Zeus dodged. He shifted his body to the left and kicked Zack straight in the ankle. Zack was caught off guard by the low kick that made him lose his footing and balance so easily.

"Are you here by chance? You scared me." Zeus said through his smirk. His tongue posed out on the side through his confident and disgusting smirk. Boxers usually load most of their weight on their front foot. So a low kick does detrimental damage to any strike they start off with...and Zeus could see that. That meant he was a well trained fighter.

Two tenacious and clammy hands zoomed straight toward Zack's head. They passed his face and clamped around his the back of his head. His fingers intertwined and locked Zack's head into his grip. Zack realized what was going to happen next as he watched Zeus lift his bare and unclothed knee up. Zack pulled up his arms and held them in front of his face. Zeus didn't stop as he repeatedly pulled up his knee to ram it into Zack's face, but hit his shielding forearms instead.

'Muay Thai?' Zack thought to himself. He needed a way to pull himself out of this guys arms and come out unscathed. He had to fight, but he also had zero space to hit. The kneeing was starting to push through Zack's defense the more they came. Zack had to think of something quickly, but the only option that seemed to work well in his mind was dirty boxing.\

Zack pulled his fist up blindly to the fuckers ribs, taking a knee to the jaw. Zeus saw this in time for him to stretch out his arms and make Zack start to fall back.

"Nope." He smiled and swung him down a bit, making Zack's fist falter and completely pass Zeus's torso. Zack grunted and planted his foot to try once again. Zack got ready and clenched his teeth as he tried again. It would be hard to aim perfectly with his body being controlled and twisted at this rapists doing, but he had to try. He squeezed his fist and aimed straight for his ribcage once again.

"I said no." Zeus repeated and adjusted his grip onto his wrists. With more force he was able to pull Zack's head down. His body followed along and now he was on his knee looking down at his grounded knee. He quickly tried to adjust himself to stand and raised his arms above his head again while the kicks came once again over and over. He had to think of something. First what skill is this? Second how could he release this grip? He wasn't used to this in any way.

Compassion- LookismOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora