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          Prince Charming: We are sitting in one of the tables        Stalker Princess: Alright, be right there

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      Prince Charming: We are sitting in one of the tables
        Stalker Princess: Alright, be right there

    Irene sighed and stood up from her spot beside Mira. Mira and Zack eventually joined the 4 after meeting whenMira was looking for a book. Zack obviously wasn't very happy about the added guests. Irene couldn't help but smile at the two. Even though she would never tell anybody, she was sure Mira had feelings for Zack from the start. From the very start she knew.

    "Alright, I'm heading out to help tutor the architecture students." Irene said and grabbed her bag. They all waved bye to her, besides a sulking Zack, then watched her leave.

    Irene walked down the aisles of books, peeking through small openings to see if she could find any grey jumpsuits or anything. She was a little sad that she couldn't change out of her uniform like her brother did after grabbing some clothes this morning. Irene really hated the grey pencil skirt, the tie and the white collared shirt. It felt stuffy

    She started to walk around a bookshelf when she heard a familiar voice. It sounded like Jace's voice, so she twisted around toward the voice to see Jace, Vasco and Woong all sitting together at a table with papers with numbers under angry scribbles, paper balls and sad faces. Irene immediately was thrown into a flustered frenzy.

    There Vasco was, in his low cut black quarter sleeved shirt. The cut was down to his mid chest in a V-form and rolled up sleeves to his upper forearm. His chest tattoo was peeked through on his chest and his arm. Irene always felt that Vasco was always attractive, but god damn. In black he looked.... really good.

    Woong was in a white and red sweatshirt and denim jeans. Jace was matching with Vasco with his sleeves pulled down over his overshadowed tattoo. Irene was completely infatuated with Vasco's nicely fit shirt. He looked really good. There was something off with all of their faces and the ambiance held around them. They all seemed so gloomy and almost frustrated. It wasn't something Irene was used to with these group of boys, especially from Vasco.

    "Hi!" Irene smiled with a little hop out from behind the tall bookshelf. Vasco, Jace and Woong whipped their heads up to Irene with almost a desperate and relieved look in their smiling faces.

    "Your super awesome tutor is here!" Irene said and posed with her hands up and leg bent out. She did a few modeling poses that she knew were pretty generic for an amateur. Vasco smiled with his jaw dropped like one of the monkeys with tambourine automatic toys.

    "Wow!" Vasco said, his demeanor completely flipping once he saw her. Jace noticed both of their blushing faces and let out a small chuckle. Woong's face relaxed as he watched the gorgeous girl walk over to an empty chair between Jace and Vasco. She pulled the chair out with the others looking at her with stars in their eyes. She seemed to have a glow about her that was so unrealistically abnormal.

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