Sworn Enemies 🔞

Start from the beginning

'There it is,' she hissed. 'That damned nickname.'

She finally glanced away, closing her eyes while the snow gathered on her cloak as she stood frozen; contemplating what to do next. Finally, she let out a deep breath. "I won't tell you everything," she relented. "But do you know a man who goes by the name Jiraiya."

She noticed the recognition flash across his features and her grip on his sword tightened. "Yeah," he sighed. "I know him."

"He stole something from me," she growled; fangs growing as fury festered... from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. "From my aunt rather and she wants it back... now." The pinkette took a step forward, causing snow and brush crunching beneath her thick boots and she lifted the sword slightly, to point it at his chest. Sasuke wasn't fazed in the slightest and simply raised a brow at her curiously. "If you get in my way, I will kill you."

"Aww," he purred, this time allowing his lips to lift slightly at the edges. "And here I thought we were friends, Kitten." If she was a human, a blush would have risen on her cheeks as his gaze ran over her lazily. He decided to add, "... well, more like friends with benefits... if you know what I mean".

Fury took hold and common sense left her as she charged at him... and a battle cry resonated around them while she swung the weapon at his head. He dodged and countered with an open palm to her wrist; knocking the weapon away while he used his other hand to try and grab onto her.

But she was too quick.

She dodged his grasping hand by twisting her body to the right, forming a fist with her left to slam it into his side. The Uchiha grunted as his muscles tightened, readying himself for the impact, while he brought his arms up as a shield.

Sasuke countered her move with one of his own, and they continued like this for several moments... their movements as fluid and flurried as the freshly fallen snow, until Sakura finally gained the upper hand. Using a little more strength than she had been previously, she used her own weight to knock him off balance when he grabbed her... rolling them on the ground, until they came to a stop with her straddling his hips.

She gasped when he reached up, not to throw her off, but to hold her down instead. She used one hand to press on his chest while the other moved to cup his throat. Sakura could feel him beneath her... (hard) between her legs... and involuntarily shuddered; her own reaction startling her.

'After all this time, I still—'

How did it come to this; her sworn enemy spread beneath her with hands firmly wrapped around her tiny waist, while she applied firm pressure to his throat where she held him down. Her eyes narrowed as she gazed at him; contempt and something akin to loathing fueling the fire in her belly. That's what she told herself anyway—

"I hate you," she spat in his face, fangs extending as a hiss slipped from her lips when his nails dug into her flesh. The pinkette noticed the barest of twitches in his lips... as if he was fighting back yet another smirk, and tightened her grip on his neck once more.

"Feelings mutual, Kitten."

Sasuke adjusted her slightly, using his strength and grip to lower her, to slide her down the length of his torso and she clenched her teeth tightly... viridescent eyes closing, while her fangs drew blood from where they dug into her lips. As she opened them again, she realized that he was watching her closely and took a slow breath in to steady her resolve. She couldn't allow them to fall into bed with one another... again. Sasuke somehow had a way of causing her to lose track of everything.

Time, her mission—

She couldn't allow that to happen. Not this time. But it still startled her that even after all of these years... they could still feel so strongly for one another that a simple touch... a simple look... could cause every intention she previously had to derail.

'Focus, Sakura. Damn you! You must find Jiraiya! He stole from us... from our auntie... and we must get back what is rightfully ours. Make the ignorant human pay for what he's done.'

Her eyes narrowed; her resolve... resolute.

And if she had time for that later, well then so be it.

"Will you help me or not," she hissed, annoyance evident in her tone. She didn't realize that she had cut off his only means of communicating vocally; but his eyes told her all that she needed to know. Her lips twisted wickedly as she finally released his throat (though he didn't release his grip on her), and she bent down; both of her hands now resting on either side of his head as she paused just inches from his face.

"Excellent. Let's go find him then, shall we?"

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now