And though you're broken and defeated - Karl

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Karl's turn :]

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Karl's turn :]

The game was going amazingly!

Karl didn't know why he had been so worried. Well, he did, but now, sprinting across the pitch, feeling the wind rush past him, the cheers of thousands of people filling the stadium, he felt all of his worries melting away. He was still a little anxious knowing that Chris, Chandler and George were on the opposite team to him, Jimmy being the only person he was fully comfortable around on his side. He was alright with Vikk, Tobi and Simon, kind of getting used to Ethan too but he was still nervous when it came to everyone else.

Everyone was playing much better than expected, even himself. Karl had been practising whenever they got free time but even they hadn't expected to have such a good performance.

Karl knew that Speed had a thing for not following the rules. Not in a cool, rebellious way but more of a, you're just a bit of a prick way. He had been warned at the beginning of the game that Speed was a wildcard but he hadn't realised how much so until the man was on the pitch with him. Karl watched as Speed tackled people relentlessly, it didn't matter whether it granted foul or even if they didn't have the ball, it just seemed that he wanted to hurt people constantly and made it his goal to do so. It was when Speed scored a goal, during half-time, and then got angry and began to shout and throw a tantrum when it wasn't counted that Karl decided they would do their absolute best to stay far away from him. That wasn't the kind of game he came to play.

However, things didn't go to plan. I mean, why would they? Karl was sprinting across the pitch, attempting to keep up with Filly and intercept the ball when a weight came crashing into his side, throwing him to the ground. Speed. Karl's vision dipped out for a moment, darkness embracing him as pain shot through his right leg, starting in his ankle and stabbing its way up to the top of his thigh. He curled in on himself slightly, leg automatically pulling in towards his chest. Karl felt a hand on his shoulder, opening his eyes to see Tobi and Simon leaning over him. "Are you okay?" Simon said voice drowned out a little by the crowd.

No. They really weren't. But this was the tail end of the charity match and he really didn't want to quit. The pain was worse than anything they had felt before, burning and stabbing, weighing him down yet he nodded allowing Simon to slowly help him to his feet. "Do you need to sit out?" Tobi asked, placing a hand on Karl's lower back, watching as they wobbled for a moment.

Karl blinked slowly, pain fogging over his brain before giving a nod, "Maybe just for a minute."

He let Simon sling his arm over one shoulder, Tobi taking the other, helping him limp over to the sidelines where a worried-looking Vikk and Jimmy intercepted him. Jimmy was quick to reach out and grab him, leading him over to a bench, while Vikk was called out to take his place, the game on hold for a moment as Speed was fouled and sent off indefinitely.


"That looks like Karl Jacobs, number 8, who just got taken down by Speed. I don't know what that man is doing," Steven spoke into the mic, "That was a pretty rough fall." There was a pause.

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