Pranked at the worst time - Tommy

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I've noticed a couple of people being confused and thinking there is more than one person writing this book! It's just me! I refer to myself as 'the author' when I reply to people so I understand that that might be confusing.

T/W Minor death, implied depression.

George's P.O.V

It was supposed to be a joke. I really should have thought more about it before I tried it but I didn't and I really messed things up. 

We were in the middle of a stream. My hot tub stream to be exact. Sapnap told me that I had to prank Tommy, for his dare. I was hesitant at first as I remembered Wilbur telling us not to bother Tommy that week, but Sapnap reminded me that it would only be for a few minutes and wouldn't make that much of a difference.  I had never prank called anyone before so I wasn't really sure what I was doing. Listening to Quackity and Sapnap's advice, I scrolled through my contacts, calling Tommy.

"Uh, hey George," He said, picking up almost immediately, "Is it important? My mum wants me to watch Bo Burnham's new special with her." 

"Kind of, yeah." 

"Okay, what's up?" 

"Well, Dream wanted me to tell's kind of difficult to say..." 

"Is he okay? I didn't really get a chance to talk to him recently." 

"Yeah, he's alright, it's not really about him. Uh, he wanted me to tell you that...well, you know that you haven't been streaming on the server recently?" 


"Dream thinks that the lore isn't...up to standards per se."

"Oh, right. Well, I mean, I can try harder. There's just a lot of stuff going on this week but if he needs me on the server then I can see what I can do." 

"Yeah, it's just, he needs more lore otherwise he might need to remove you from the server." 


"He's disappointed in your performance lately and I don't really blame him. I...I know that sounds really mean but..." 

"No, no, I get it, man, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting it I guess. Dream gave me the week off but, it's fair enough." 

I felt so bad but I was just doing as Quackity and Sapnap were telling me to.

"Oh, he never said anything about that, if you want to get back to watching Bo Burnham then that's fine. Just call me later or something." 

I turned Quackity and Sapnap down so I was completely unaware of them yelling at me to tell him it was a prank and stop making it so serious. 

"Alright, I'll talk to you later," He replied, only then did I realise how exhausted he sounded. 


The call ended and I turned up Sapnap and Quackity again. "What the hell?!" Quackity screeched, "Why wouldn't you tell him it was a prank?!" 

"Was I supposed to?!" 


"I didn't know that!"

"Call him back, dude!" Sapnap yelled.

"Okay, okay, I'm calling him back." 

I clicked on the number and let it ring. The dial tone played several times but there was no answer. I heard the discord notification ping in my room and taking a quick look at my computer screen, I saw 3 messages from Wilbur.

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