April Fools Day...Gone wrong - SMPHouse - Tommy

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This is going to be the first of a series and maybe another book? 

In this, the whole SMP lives in the same house. Also, this includes Minx even though she might not be MCYT based. She will be living with them. Lmao, I'm way too obsessed with this idea that I've literally drawn out rooms for everyone, I've almost finished but I'll show you guys when it's done!

T/W Hinted past abuse, Needles(Epi-pen), vomit, This is a trainwreck of a chapter.

Tommy's P.O.V

It was April Fools Day and the entire house was caught up in a prank war. It started off with Sapnap putting chilli powder in Dream's pancakes that morning. I'll admit it was pretty funny. After that, Dream got Sapnap back by wrapping all of Sapnap's belongings and furniture with tin foil. Other pranks included Techno giving Wilbur's number to a spam company and setting it to spam him facts about anteaters, I put a straw in a small packet of ketchup and then put that into Ranboo's drink and Karl filled the fridge's ice dispenser with jelly beans. 

After all of these pranks had taken place it was about 11 am. I decided to go and get showered because...well, do you even need a reason to shower? I decided to have a shower so I grabbed my towel and a change of clothes before getting in. Everything was normal. I washed my hair and body thoroughly before getting out and getting dressed. I looked up in the mirror and groaned. What...The...Fuck. Making my way downstairs I saw that almost everyone was sitting in the living room, or the kitchen. "Alright, which one of you fuckers dyed my hair bright red," I said. 

I saw Quackity and Wilbur high five each other and immediately I knew that they had done it. They saw me looking at them and they got up from their seats sprinting away before I could even make a move to run after them. I shook my head sinking down onto the sofa beside Dream. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders with a light chuckle. "We'll get them back. Don't worry. I'll help you." 

"What are you planning?" 

He just smirked.

Okay, well, I hadn't quite expected Dream to recruit half of the house to cover Wilbur's room and car with sticky notes. He did, however, let me write on some of them. The notes included messages such as 'This is what you get for dying my hair red, bitch' and 'don't be mad at me this was the green bitch's idea'. It's safe to say...he was pissed. 

I was sitting in my the kitchen with Dream, Nikki, Karl and Eret when Wilbur got back from wherever the hell he had gone and I heard him go up to his bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!! I heard Wilbur screech from the floor above, "TOMMY! DREAM?! I SWEAR TO GOD." 

I glanced over at Dream, catching his eye and immediately burst out laughing. "What on earth did you two do?" Karl giggled. 

"We may have covered his entire in sticky notes...and his car." Dream said.

"How does he know it was you two?" 

"Well, I kept writing notes and Dream made a shit ton of smiley faces on the walls." 

"That makes sense." 

Wilbur came rushing down the stairs towards us and on instinct I moved away trying to curl in on myself, flinching back. As I moved back I walked into Dream who placed his hand protectively on my shoulder. Wilbur noticed my fear and immediately changed his approach. "You little hooligans!" He said in a funny voice, "You're both going down for this one." Dream placed his hands on my hips, lifting me off the floor and putting me on his shoulders.

"You can't get him if you can't reach him." He laughed.

Wilbur strode over, "Wow, never did I think I'd be beaten by the great Tommyinnit...and some random green bitch." 

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