Don't mess with out little brother - SMP house

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T/W bullying, name-calling, injury, mild description of injury (nothing gory though!)

Tommy's P.O.V

Living in the SMP house was amazing. Everyone was really cool and it was never boring. There were twenty-three of us in total and we all fell into a sort of family dynamic. Tubbo, Ranboo and I were still in school so that was something that we had to sort out as well. We all went to a secondary school that was 20 minutes away from the house and I'll be honest, I hated it. We joined halfway through the term so we had a LOT of work to catch up on. At a very young age, I was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyscalculia which made work hard enough as it was let alone having to catch up on 3 weeks of it. So, long story short, I was already stressed out. Then there was the aspect of fitting in...I didn't. In school, I couldn't talk. I don't know why. Every time I went to talk to someone, no words would come out. The only people that I could talk to were Tubbo and Ranboo. Whenever the teacher called out my name in the register, Tubbo or Ranboo would answer for me as we had all been put into the same class. There's was a problem with not being able to talk though. It meant that I couldn't respond to anyone. People thought I was being rude when they went to say hi to the new kid and the new kid didn't reply. I had some people yelling really close to my ears, asking if I was deaf because that was definitely going to help. It didn't take long for me to be the most hated person in school, everyone's target. 

The first incident happened on the third day of school. I got cornered in the bathroom by some kids that I didn't recognise. They probably from the year above. They began to insult me for my appearance and my mannerisms. For the clothes that I was wearing for anything that they could think of. When I didn't talk back, they got angry. "Say something!" The tallest yelled. I just looked down at the floor, wishing for it to be over. I didn't reply and that's when he swung at me. A sharp punch to the chest sent me reeling back into the wall, ragged breaths and coughs escaping my mouth. They just laughed, satisfied at my reaction and left. As soon as they were gone scrambled to make my way back to class, taking my seat beside Tubbo. I knew that he could tell something was wrong but didn't want to say anything. 

That was the last lesson of the day and as usual, Ranboo, Tubbo and I made our way out into the parking lot and got picked up by Phil. He asked how our day was and if we were ready for the stream that night. Ranboo and Tubbo were excited. I was silent.

That night, during the stream, I found myself coughing a lot more than normal, each time hurt my chest worse and worse. I could laugh without wincing or raise my voice too much and I think everyone was beginning to catch onto the fact that something was wrong. 

As soon as the stream was over, both Wilbur and George came up to mine and Tubbo's room to check on me. Tubbo had ended early and gone downstairs. "Are you alright?" Wilbur asked, pulling a chair over so he could sit next to me. George leaned on Wilbur's shoulders.

"Yeah, guess I'm just tired and my throat hurts a little," I lied. George's hand was resting on my forehead within seconds, brushing my fringe out of the way. "You don't feel too warm but maybe take it easy for the rest of the night." He said softly. I offered him a small smile. "Anyway, I'm gonna go and help Dream cook dinner because I'm pretty sure he'll burn the house down without supervision. We're planning to watch a film in a bit if you wanna join?" I nodded, leaning against Wilbur. "Okay, Bad, Skeppy, Eret and Tubbo are already down there, I'll see you two in a bit." George left the room. Wilbur began to run his fingers through my hair, "You get changed into some more comfortable clothes and I'll wait for you at the top of the stairs yeah?" He said.

"Sure," I replied.

Wilbur left my room as I got changed into some jogging bottoms and an oversized hoodie. Then I made my way out to where Wilbur was waiting.

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