You're safe now Diablo - Tommy

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In this fic, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo live together and Dream, Sapnap and George live together in Brighton!

Also, just imagine Ranboo's been possessed because this isn't anything like he is!

T/W past abuse, panic attacks.

Tommy's P.O.V

I thought it was such a good idea, moving in with Tubbo and Ranboo. Phil, Wilbur and Techno lived only 20 minutes away so we would vlog together for the fans or just hang out when we were bored. Although Ranboo and Tubbo had quit, I was still in education and we lived really close to a good college that I was accepted into. Things were great.

At first.

Soon, though, we began to argue. Ranboo and I would argue and then Ranboo would drag Tubbo into it and tell him lies about things that I had supposedly done. It wasn't fair! Tubbo was supposed to be my best friend by one day Ranboo just showed up and Tubbo disappeared. I definitely wasn't jealous. 

Definitely not.

Anyhow, these arguments happened, or, started to happen about a year after we moved in. It was over small and petty things like chores or steam times. But each little thing built up and I hated it all. 

It was so much like my life at home. Or I guess my old home, now. My parents would scream and shout at each other and if they weren't yelling at one another..., they were yelling at me. It was scary. I didn't remember much about my childhood but the small bits and pieces that I remember were pure terror. Hiding so I wouldn't have to confront either of my parents. I didn't have any siblings or pets, it was just me and my now biggest fear.

After those days, during those days, forevermore, I flinched whenever someone raised their voice or moved too fast. It just..freaked me out.

Neither Tubbo more Ranboo knew about what my life had been like and didn't exactly intend on telling them. After all, I know it shouldn't have been but I found it embarrassing. It made me feel weak. However it wasn't just something that I could hide forever, it would only be a matter of time before I broke down especially with the lore and Dream was the one to find me when I finally began to crack.


We were doing a long lore stream and we got to the end scene where Dream was supposed to yell at me. I was trying to prepare myself but once it began, something just broke.

"I don't give a FUCK about ANY of this!" Dream screamed.

"B-but..." I stammered, not really meaning to.

"No, you don't get a say in this. In fact, I propose a duel! You, me, tomorrow, in l'manburg. I'm SICK of this! You're gonna die." 

"W-we'll see about that," I said a lot less confidently than I wanted to as I was more focused on stopping my voice from shaking and keeping the tears from falling as they gathered in the corners of my eyes.

I shut off my stream as soon as I could, sighing with relief when I saw the camera icon disappear. Immediately, I drew my knees up to my chest and gripped the edges of my chair willing myself to stop shaking. 

The homepage of twitch was open on my second monitor and I saw as Dream's name disappeared from the list of live users. He had ended stream now too. My breathing had started to pick up the pace and my shaking was only getting worse, if I didn't calm down soon then I was going to end up having a panic attack.

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