I'm not coming home - Tommy - Minecraft AU

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T/W blood, descriptions of injury and neglect

Tommy's P.O.V

Any Avian knows that growing your wings is the most painful feeling ever. Having to go through the process alone is one of the scariest things and sadly, that's a situation I found myself in. Phil, Techno and Wilbur had yet again left me in favour of going on an adventure. The least they could do is take me with them but I guess Phil only wanted the children that he liked. From the day that Phil adopted me it was very clear that he had favourites. Techno was his number one child. He was good at everything. Fighting, building, working, anything that Phil could ever want in a son. Wilbur came next. Phil wasn't as attentive to him as he was with Techno but at least he made sure Wilbur had necessities, gave him comfort and made sure that Wilbur knew he loved him. On Phil's terms, I didn't exist. I didn't mean anything to him, Wilbur or Techno and it hurt. I wanted them to love me and I thought that the only way to make them see me was if I acted more like them. I stopped talking after Techno told me my voice was annoying and I started to train with the old wooden swords from the shed. I was quite clumsy though. My wings hadn't grown in and they were the centre of gravity in avians. Still, it wasn't enough. They always left. Because I stopped talking, I almost forgot how, choosing to learn how to sign instead.

It was a week into one of their trips when I began to feel ill. I had a fever and my entire body felt like it was on fire. I messaged Phil on my comm, telling him what was happening and he told me I was fine and that I was overreacting. I couldn't stand up anymore and he had the audacity to tell me that I was overreacting! A pain appeared in my back and that's when I realised what was going on. My wings were coming in. 

The pain grew and grew over the next two days and I was scared. It shouldn't take that long for wings to grow. It was only supposed to take an hour or two, not multiple days. The pain was so intense that I found myself on my bedroom floor, pressing my forehead down onto the cold wooden ground as screams tore up my throat. I could feel blood running across my skin, dripping onto the ground and pooling around me. I was alone. I was alone and I was going to die. I couldn't do it. It hurt too much. My mind began to fog over from the agony. Everything was blurry and the light was beginning to dim. I couldn't breathe. I was going to die! Everything began to fade away and I felt my hold on consciousness beginning to slip away. All the noises disappeared until all I could hear was a high pitched ringing that was getting louder and louder. Then it stopped. Everything just stopped. Oh. Oh- it was over. I went to move but froze as pain rippled through my body. That wasn't good. Had something gone wrong? I managed to get to my feet, taking heavy and uncoordinated steps over to the mirror. Turning around I could see two black and red wings that were soaked through with blood. The wounds surrounding them hadn't closed. They were supposed to close!! I was going to end up bleeding out if I didn't do anything. 

We didn't have any potions in the house and there was no way that I could reach the centre of my back let alone stitch it up. I had to get help. I pulled my rucksack out from under my bed, wincing at the sudden movement. From there, I began to throw in as many clothes that would fit, a blanket and some money. Quickly, I grabbed some paper off my desk and scribbled out a note:

To Phil, Wilbur and Techno,

This is goodbye. I'm sick of the way that I'm treated here. I tried, I really did but it wasn't enough. Now, you won't have to deal with me again. I'm leaving, for good. My wing process took 2 and a half days and there are complications to it. I'll bleed out if I don't leave soon. I hope seeing this will make you realise at least some of what you have done. I doubt it though. Don't bother looking for me. I'm not your family anymore. If I ever was.

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