Hypoglycemic fits - Tommy

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T/W seizures

George's P.O.V

It was a well-known fact that Tommy fainted. Quite a lot. But that was just from his low blood pressure. Not many people knew that Tommy had low blood sugar as well, which also caused fainting episodes. Those episodes were different though. When Tommy fainted from hypoglycemia he could do one of two things, seize up, while in a state of unconsciousness or just have a full-blown seizure. I'd seen it happen a couple of times when we were on a call together or recording a video. Wilbur would always rush to Tommy's house to look after him as Wilbur only lived down the road. I would whisper reassurances through the call until Wilbur got to him and was able to take care of him. 

Being with him in person did put me on edge a little but I wouldn't show it. I knew how Tommy felt about people treating him differently and I knew that he would talk to me if he needed help. Wilbur had needed to run off and get something so it was just Vikk, Tommy and me. Off-camera, Tommy was calm, polite and a really sweet kid as well as still being really funny. He was just overall really nice to be around. He always asked if everyone was okay before taking out his camera and vlogging a segment of our day, a lot more concerned as to whether or not we were comfortable with it than getting content. We were walking around one of the back alleys of London when I noticed that Tommy was looking pale. He was shivering slightly and I knew that it couldn't be from the cold as he had a hoodie and a coat on and it wasn't even that chilly in the first place. He began to lean against me, more and more as we walked and I started to lead us to a secluded park area that I know from when I stumbled across it, walking at night. It was a place that was quite run down and barely ever used so I knew that we could have some privacy from prying eyes if anything were to happen. I wrapped my arm around Tommy's shoulder, pressing him against my side so that we were hip to hip walking towards the grassy plain. "You okay?" I asked softly.

"Not sure," He murmured, "Really tingly and tired." He was blinking rapidly and I knew that it wouldn't be long before he was down. 

"Okay, that's fine, can you see properly? Hear me properly?" 

It took him a moment to respond, seeming really disconnected. It had gotten so bad in such a short amount of time. "Uh, everything's kind of blurry, 'nd you sound really far away." He said softly. Vikk was watching on in concern, unsure of what was happening.

"Vikk," I said, deciding to fill the older man in on what was happening, "I think Tommy's about to have a Hypoglycemic induced seizure. He uh, he gets them sometimes, it was probably something that you should have been told but still. Uh, can you call Wilbur and let him know where we are then there's a small co-op just down there if I give you my wallet can buy something like some Coca-cola, non-diet, and some saltine crackers." 

"Oh uh, I'll get those. I'll pay don't worry about it." He replied.

I felt Tommy go rigid against me, body dropping quickly downwards. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, slowly lowering him to the ground. "Oh shit, okay, there we go," I murmured, kneeling down beside him. Vik just watched on in worry before I gently reminded him what he was supposed to be doing. He pulled out his phone and walked away towards the shops. 

Vikk's P.O.V

I had had no idea that Tommy got seizures. I remember someone briefly mentioning the fact that he fainted but other than that, I had no idea. George was acting so calm too like this happened a lot. Maybe it did.  I watched him seize up, falling backwards into George's arms. Until George reminded me what I needed to do, I was stood, shocked, watching the scene unfold.

 When I had gotten out of sight of the others, I pulled out my phone, ringing Wilbur.

"Hello?" He said, "Vikk? Is everything alright?" 

"No, uh, George said Tommy's having a hypoglycemia induced seizure. I don't know." I won't lie, I was panicking.

"Shit! Where are you guys?" 

"They're at a park on Nova Row, it's between two houses, I'll send you the location. George told me to go and get some stuff from the shops." 

"Alright, send me the location!" 

"On it, see you in a minute." 

Wilbur's P.O.V

I felt so bad! Tommy was having a fit and I wasn't there to look after him. I trusted the others but I wanted to make sure that he was alright. I picked up my bag and as soon as I had gotten the location from Vikk, I began to sprint through London.

Surprisingly, I was only 10 minutes away and by the time I had gotten back, the seizure was over and Tommy was just beginning to wake up. Tommy's head was now in George's lap, his body in the recovery position. I sat down beside George, taking Tommy's hand and gently running my thumb over the back of his knuckles. He blinked slowly, opening his eyes. "G-George? W-Wilby?" He murmured, seeing our worried faces.

"Yeah Toms, we're right here." I cooed, brushing back his hair, "Do you remember what happened?" 

"Not r'lly." He mumbled, speech slightly slurred.

"That's fine. Your blood sugar dropped and you had a seizure. Do you have your kit on you?" 

"Yeah, 's in my bag." 

"Alright, let me grab it." 

It was a small black case that contained all the essentials. A blood pressure monitor, a flash glucose scanner, a small first-aid box and several different medications. I took out his flash glucose scanner and pulled up Tommy's sleeve to reveal the small circular censor in his arm. I swiped over the sensor and Tommy's level showed up on the screen:  50 mg/Dl that was too low. 

I took out a couple of pills and pressed them into the palm of Tommy's hand just as Vikk came running back with a plastic bag. He took out a bottle of coke, passing it to George who held it until Tommy took the medication. We got him to sit up and start eating some crackers as the colour began to return to his cheeks. I checked his blood sugar every now and then watching as it rose slowly back up to a normal level. 

"How're you feeling?" I asked.

"Uh, kind of tired, but I'm alright." 

I pulled him into a short, side hug. "I think you gave Vikkstar 123 a heart attack," I said, making everyone laugh. 

"Eh, he's old, he had it coming," Tommy replied, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"To be fair though..."

If you got that last line then thank you XD

Not a big fan of this one but I wanted to post something :) I've got a couple of AU ideas and I wanted to see your ideas for them, please put requests or whatever on the corresponding AU :)

Phasmophobia AU - SBI ghost hunters (Yes the ghost can physically harm them)

Irl fics - ...it's just an IRL fic.

Minecraft AU - Real-life Minecraft

Store AU - you've already seen a couple of these

SMP house - all of them living together

SBI house - Techno, Phil, Tommy and Wilbur (All siblings (Adopted or not))

Any others?

1275 words

love you guys

take care

- Ace O :))

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