Please don't treat me differently - Tommy pt 3

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T/W Mentioned Abuse, Mentioned Alcoholism, Brief description of minor injury.

This chapter was easier to write than the last.

Tommy's P.O.V

The day that we spent in Brighton was amazing. We went to the arcades, walked down the pier, ate in a couple of the various cafes that dotted the seafront and we spent most of the time on the beach. At the end of the day, 8 pm-ish, we arrived back at Wilbur's house, all crowding in the living room as Wilbur put on a film. The day had really tired me out so it wasn't surprising when I was the second to fall asleep, Tubbo being first. 

I was woken by Wilbur shaking me at two in the morning. "Time to get up," He whispered, "You can sleep some more in the car but we need to go to the airport." 

"Okay." I sat up, rubbing my eyes as I tried to wake myself up. Wilbur handed me my crutches and then went to wake the others. Phil was already awake and he gave me a hand up. "Everything's in the car already," He said, "Do you want anything in the car with you like food or a drink? We'll probably stop at Mcdonalds on the way though." 

"I'll just bring a water bottle or something," I replied.

"Okay, are you gonna come and get in the car now, or do you want to wait till everyone's up?" 

"Um, I'll wait till at least one other person is gonna come to the car." 


Phil left, walking towards the kitchen to grab something and I turned back to Wilbur. Tubbo and Eret were both awake now, folding up the blankets that they had been using and Wilbur was quietly talking with Nikki. I grabbed my pillow and put it under the arm that wasn't using a crutch. "Hey, I'm gonna head out to the car," Eret said, walking towards the door.

"I'll come too!" Tubbo and I said at the same time. We looked at each other, bursting out into laughter. God, it was too early. We made our way out to the car and I got into the middle seat. Tubbo was sitting to my right and Eret was sat on my left. I leant my head on their shoulder and he started to run his fingers gently through my hair, lulling me back to sleep. 

Wilbur's P.O.V

Once I had made sure that I had gotten everything, I made my way out to the car with Phil and Nikki. Nikki got into the very back in a seat that we had clipped into the boot. Phil got into the driver's seat and I got in the passenger's side. "Okay, are we ready to go!" I said, immediately getting shushed by Eret. I turned around to face them only to see Tubbo had fallen asleep leaning against Tommy and Tommy had fallen asleep leaning against Eret. A smile crept onto my face and I took a quick picture on my phone to use as blackmail in the future, silently awwing to myself. 

We had to drive half an hour before reaching the Mcdonalds drive through. "Does anyone know what the children like or do we wake them up?" I asked.

"Might as well wake them up, there isn't much point in ordering for them and then waking them up to eat anyways," Phil replied. 

Eret began to shake Tommy and Tubbo awake as we pulled in. 

We ordered our meals and ate as we continued our journey towards the airport.

After an hour we had arrived, we grabbed our luggage from the boot, Tommy using his crutch with one arm and wheeling his suitcase with the other as I took Tommy's rucksack. "Okay, all of you stick close to one another, if you get lost, send me a message and stay where you are." 

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