That's not right - Tommy

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So, this was a request and I've really been wanting to do this for a while so I'm gonna. I just wanted to say that the people in this chapter are Scott (Smajor), Lizzie (LDShadowLady), Oli (TheOrionSound), Jimmy (SolidarityGaming), Pearl (PerlescentMoon) and Joel (SmallishBeans). Tommy is still main and Wilbur, Phil and Techno are probably mentioned but yeah.

T/W Injury, abuse, tic attacks and mild internalised ableism

Scott's P.O.V

It was the day that everyone got back onto the Origins SMP. Tommy had messaged us, asking when we were free and then he had set up a day for us all to go live and stream on the SMP as we hadn't done so in quite a while. It worked out pretty well as all of our schedules aligned on a day that wasn't far from when he had asked. Either way, we got it figured out, time and date and set up our streams ready to start. I had recently moved in with Oli, Jimmy, Lizzie, Pearl and Joel as they were moving really close to me and I wanted to move out of my house soon. It was really lonely living alone. On one of our first days together, we made little hangers to put on doors for when we were streaming. Just a simple do not disturb sign but decorated so that it was more like us. I hung my sign on the door, settling into my gaming chair and bringing up twitch so I was ready to start my stream when the time came. First, however, I opened up both Discord and Minecraft seeing Tommy was already sat in a call. I decided to join the call just to talk to him before we started streaming but once I had connected I realised that he wasn't at his desk.

"Tommy?" I called, "Hello?" I got no response but I thought to stick around instead, just wait for him to come back. I started to fiddle around with my Minecraft settings, trying to reduce the lag when faint voices picked up in the background on Tommy's end of the call. There were two voices, one of which was clearly Tommy's and one which was deeper, but of a similar accent. His father maybe. From the tone, it was obvious that they were arguing but I couldn't quite make out what was actually being said. I wasn't exactly trying to eavesdrop but it was the only noise I could hear. 

After a few minutes, it got louder as the voices both raised and got closer to the office that Tommy's computer was set up in. Now I could begin to understand some of the sentences and the things I heard made my blood boil.

"I never asked for a son as fucked up as you." The deeper voice, now confirmed as being Tommy's father.

"I know and I'm sorry but there are only a few more months until I'm 18, then I can leave. I'll be gone and you won't ever have to see me again." Tommy's voice sounded shaky and completely unlike him but I guess I only really knew his streaming persona.

"Why can't you go now? Hm? I'm sick of having to drive you to and from different hospitals, you're just a disappointment. Wouldn't have had that problem with Reuben, would we? No. He was strong. I wish it were you that had died not him."

There was a quiet, muffled sob followed by the unmistakable slap of a punch being thrown. "See, you're weak. Get out of my fucking sight." 

There were hurried footsteps getting louder and closer before the door opened then slammed closed once more as Tommy dropped down into his seat. His camera was still on giving me the perfect view of the bright red mark and swelling starting to form on his upper right cheekbone. "Tommy," I said softly, "What the hell just happened?" 

Instantly his camera switched off. "H-... How much of that did you hear?" He asked slowly.

"Enough to know you're not safe right now." 

"It's fine Scott. This is good for him. Trust me he could be so much worse right now but he seems to be in a good enough mood. I'll just tell chat my camera's off cause it's broken and stream without face-cam." 

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