Screw them - Tommy

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T/W Bullying, abuse, alcohol abuse, implied depression,Minor injury description.

Tommy's P.O.V

It had been going on for a long time now. Kids at school bullied me relentlessly and made me feel like absolute shit. Things at home weren't great either. My parents were either not home or they were drunk out of their minds. I knew that that wasn't normal. I knew it wasn't acceptable. But I couldn't do anything. However, I had my escape from it all. My online family.

They were my sanity and more often than not they saved me from myself. The dark thoughts that plagued my mind. All of it. Even if they didn't know how much they helped me. 

It couldn't stay that way forever though. 

The first incident happened during a lore stream. I was acting and having fun when I heard the front door open and then slam shut. My parents had been gone for 2 months so if they were home now. It wasn't going to be good. I quickly sent a message to Dream saying that something was happening and I needed to end the stream. He was concerned and quickly agreed. As the stream was ending and I clicked to raid Wilbur my door was slammed open.

"YOU FUCKING-" The stream ended.

It was one of the worst beatings I had ever gotten that night and when I got up the next morning thousands of worried messages lit up my phone.

[7 missed messages and 3 missed calls from Dream]

[55 missed messages and 18 missed calls from Wilbur]

[39 missed messages and 11 missed calls from Tubbo]

[41 missed messages and 15 missed calls from Phil]

[And 99+ other notification]

I decided to open Dream's messages first.


<Dream> Tommy! 

<Dream> Are you okay?!

<Dream> Tommy, was someone yelling at you?

<Dream> Tommy you're worrying me!

<Dream> Call me when you can.


<Dream> Tommy, everyone is really worried about you.

<Dream> Just let us know that you're safe!

The rest of the messages where similar. People were asking where I was and if I was okay. I decided to just join the main VC and then let other people join.

Barely 5 minutes after I had joined, Wilbur had also entered the VC. "Tommy! Where've you been?!" 

"Hey, Wilbur," I said quietly. God, it hurt to talk.

"What happened last night?! When you ended your stream all of a sudden everyone was worried but then we heard yelling and a loud bang! Are you alright?" 

"I'm fine Wilbur." 

"What happened then?" 

"There was a family emergency and my dad was panicking. He came up to get me to hurry up and he slammed my door open on accident." 

"He sounded angry though." 

"No, he was just scared, I think. He raised his voice cause he was panicking and frustrated." 

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