But strangely, he feels at home in this place - Tommy

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Title from This is Home by Cavetown :)

Some more trans!Tommy as requested.

T/W needles, vomit, over-binding and periods.

Tommy's P.O.V

Moving into the SMP house was amazing. There was never a dull day and everyone was so kind in real life. There was one small problem. They didn't know that I was trans. As far as they were concerned, I was a cishet male and that was it. I hadn't exactly told anyone - both out of fear and just because I didn't feel completely ready. That did prove to be a problem and I knew that they would eventually find out but I still didn't want to say anything. 

The first person to find out was Nikki.

I was in the middle of a stream when I felt the familiar cramps starting to attack my stomach. I had been feeling sick all day but that just solidified it. Of course, I had to start my period while I was live. It was my first time getting my period in the new house and I, being dumb, hadn't thought about it at all. I had no sanitary products or medications at the ready so ultimately, I was screwed. In my mind, there was kind of only one solution. Go to Nikki. Nikki would know exactly what to do.

"Chat, I'll be back in a second," I said, excusing myself from the stream before turning off my camera and microphone. I quickly got up and scurried out of my bedroom into the hall, making a beeline for Nikki's room, praying that she would be home. She hadn't mentioned anything about leaving so the chances of her being home were high. I reached out a hand, hesitating for a moment as I really thought about what I was going to say, before knocking twice. I heard shuffling from inside as someone made their way over to the door. Only 5 seconds passed before the door was pulled open and Nikki was stood in the doorway. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she looked a little surprised when she saw it was me. "Oh, hey Tommy!" She smiled, pausing for a moment as she scanned my face, "Are you okay?" 

"I, uh, can I talk to you a minute?" I asked, wringing my hands together anxiously.

"Yeah, of course!" She moved back, pulling the door open a little wider so that I could slip past her and into her room. Fairy lights were strung down from the ceiling over her bed, reminding me that she promised she would do a similar thing in my room. "What's up?" Nikki asked, sitting down cross-legged on her bed.

"I need to tell you something. Uh, promise you won't hate me?" 

"I promise Toms, what's going on?" 

"This is stupidly hard to say, um, I'm trans, female to male, and I need to borrow some pads." I finally spat out the sentence. Nikki got to her feet facing me and her hand raised. Instinctively I flinched back, thinking she was about to hit me but was surprised when the hand landed on my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you for telling me." She said softly, running a hand over my back. Walking over to the corner of her room she pulled out a draw, rummaging through it briefly before holding out a purple packaged pad, "Is this one okay?" 

"Yeah, uh, thank you," I murmured, taking it from her.

"No problem, I'll try and find a small bag that you can hide some in to keep in your room. Does anyone else know?" 

I shook my head. Nikki just gave me a kind smile, "Okay, I'll come and see you in a second, come and get me if you need anything."

I thanked her once more before leaving the room.

The second person to find out was Eret, in a more... worrying way.

I was laying on my bed, watching YouTube on my phone when there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called, looking up. The door was pushed open to reveal Eret, a grim expression on his face. 

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