Why you ticking me off I don't care at all - Tommy

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T/W tics, tic attacks and unintentional self-harm
Ranboo's P.O.V

It was a well-known fact that Tommy had Tourette's syndrome. It wasn't exactly something that could be easily hidden. He was one of the lucky ones that could take medication to suppress his tics for when he was streaming or vlogging or at college but it only worked for around 8 hours. After it wore off they would be a little more active than usual but hopefully, they would calm down afterwards. However, if he was having a bad tic day, a lot of his tics would slip past the medication and it would only work minimally. Tubbo, Tommy and I literally shared a house so we were all too aware of his most frequent tics. The most common vocal ones were things like "Pog" and "Poggers" Often said at very poor timing much to his embarrassment. He would make a small high pitched hm noise in the back of his throat which Tubbo and I found absolutely adorable and we teased him (good-naturedly of course)! He didn't mind us playing into his tics as long as we weren't actively trying to set him off, which we wouldn't do anyway. It was things like, he'd say "Fucking bananas" and then Tubbo or I would say "home home" a well-known Wilbur quote. Or we would reply to his tics like it was actually him talking. Again, he never minded, telling us that he found it funny. His most frequent motor tics (physical tics) included hitting his fist against his chest, scrunching up the left side of his face and jerked his neck back occasionally dropping his head forwards, chin to chest. Tubbo and I saw the parts of his Tourettes that he shared with the media and the more ugly truth. The pain and frustration. The accidental yet self-inflicted cuts and bruises and the upset whenever he couldn't do or say something. Tubbo and I were always there for him though, bringing him ice when he needed it and laying with him when he had exhausted himself at the end of the day. The number of times he had decked himself was crazy.

We were doing another meetup, the three of us going up to meet Wilbur, Ash, Joe and Mark - the members of Lovejoy. Wilbur had invited us to go over to the studio while they were all there so we could see what they actually did. Afterwards, we would go for a walk around Brighton and just enjoy our time together.

I was the first to wake up that morning, making my way down to the kitchen and pouring out three glasses of water, grabbing Tommy's pillbox out of the draw. It had just become routine at this point. Whoever got up first would get out some water and Tommy's meds before going and waking everyone else up (unless it was too early or there was a reason to let someone sleep in). I made my way up to Tommy's room, knocking on the door ( with my foot as my hands were full)  before walking in, placing the water and the pillbox on his bedside table before shaking his shoulder gently, "Time to get up Toms." I then left the room and made my way to Tubbo's bedroom that was just down the hall. Once again, I knocked on the door before making my way inside and setting the second glass of water on Tubbo's dresser. I shook him lightly, as I had done for Tommy, said good morning and then went back to my room to get dressed. 

Tubbo's P.O.V

When I had gotten dressed and drank my water, I made my way downstairs, taking my empty glass with me. Tommy was sitting at the kitchen bar, on one of the stools, with his head down against the countertop. I grabbed out a bowl and filled it with cereal, pouring the milk in and grabbing a spoon from the cutlery drawer before moving to sit next to Tommy. When he felt me slide into the seat next to him, he looked up, leaning his head against my shoulder instead. "You okay?" I asked, placing my hand on his back.

"Yeah, just a little nervous to see Wilbur I guess," Tommy said quietly, still looking tired.

"Have you taken your meds?" I asked.

"Mhmm, I took them about 15 minutes ago, they just started to kick in." 

"Okay, what about breakfast?" I knew that I was mother henning him but he definitely wasn't going to take care of himself and someone had to.

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