Don't panic - Tommy

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T/W panic attacks and mild dissasociation.

Some Tommy and Jack Content (not a ship!)

Tommy's P.O.V

It started when Tubbo invited me to record a video with him and Ranboo. The recording session started at 1 pm so I had plenty of time to shower and get several chores done before having to switch up my computer and sink down into my gaming chair. 

As soon as I joined the discord call I could tell Tubbo was a little tired and therefore in a very sassy mood. Tubbo could get quite mean when he was in a sassy mood so I decided I would tread lightly around him during the recording session. We were just recording a Minecraft Morph Mod video but for his channel this time. I logged onto the server that he had set up and waited for him to start the actual recording.

About 10 minutes in, Tubbo muted me on discord. He said I was being too loud and that Ranboo and he didn't need to hear it. 

I was barely even talking.

Oh well. It was all a joke right? Just a harmless joke. Tubbo didn't actually mean anything by it. He was just trying to joke for the video and he would unmute me in a minute and everything would go back to normal. Surely he would.

He didn't. They continued on with the video for another half an hour. Just Ranboo and Tubbo joking around. I messaged in the game chat a couple of times. 

<Tommyinnit> Tubbo, can you unmute me?

<TommyInnit> Tubbo?

<Tommyinnit> Ranboo, do you have access?

<Tommyinnit> What's the point of me being here then?

<Tubbo_> I don't know, we don't actually need you tbh.

I stopped messaging the chat. I just left the discord and then the game. 

It might have been kind of petty but oh well. He said he didn't need me and he didn't know why I was there anyway so I might as well just leave. Ranboo messaged me an hour later:

<Ranboo> Hey, I'm sorry if we upset you earlier. 

<Tommy> It's fine, I knew Tubbo was tired but I guess I didn't expect that.

<Ranboo> Yeah, I told him to go to bed early tonight.

That was my job. I was the one that was supposed to look out for Tubbo, not Ranboo.

<Tommy> Okay well, thanks for checking in but I have an SBI stream a bit and I still need to get some things done so I'll talk to you later.

<Ranboo> Alright, have a good stream!

God, why did Ranboo have to be so...nice. He made it impossible for me to be angry at him.

I hadn't been lying when I needed to get some things done, I had to do some laundry, wash the dishes from breakfast, hoover and clean the apartment and then get myself ready and set up to stream. Maybe I'd make dinner before, I wasn't sure. 

I decided to skip on dinner and just start stream early.

We were doing another '100 people challenge' and things were going well. 20 minutes had gone by and none of us had been able to stop laughing. It was fun and I was almost able to forget what had happened earlier that day.


Wilbur decided that he wanted to move onto a different bit. The 'lets all bully Tommy' bit. It was fine though. I was used to it by now. The whole, Tommy's a child, Tommy's annoying. It was said a lot. What I wasn't expecting, however, was Wilbur's comments later in the video.

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