Deadnamed - Tommy/ SBI

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Trans Tommy :)

T/W Transphobia, Abuse, Deadnaming, Bullying. 

Wilbur's P.O.V

It was 3:30 pm when my phone went off on my desk. I was just finishing up a stream that I was doing but I decided to check the message. It was from Tommy. He had recently moved to Brighton because his dad was transferring jobs. He had moved schools as well and sometimes I would pick him up and we'd go down to the beach or something. That was when his parents couldn't pick him up. Tommy had major anxiety and claustrophobia so being on a crowded school bus was a no go. His parents had tried to force him to take the school bus but when I found out, I just told them that I would pick him up from school whenever they couldn't. Even if it was every day. We made a 'schedule' but they never stuck to it. The text read.

<Tommy> Hey Wilbur, I'm sorry to bother you but can you pick me up? I would walk or something but it's raining pretty bad.

Quickly I typed out a response:

<Wilbur> Toms, you live at least 40 minutes away from the school and you'd have to cross the motorway, there's no way you're walking. I'm just ending my stream, I'll be there in a minute!

<Tommy> Oh, I had no idea that you were streaming. Don't worry about it. Sorry.

<Wilbur> Tommy, I was ending now anyway. Don't worry! I'll end the stream and then I'll leave. Just sit tight.

"Alright, guys! That's the end of the stream. I'm going to raid Fundy and I'll stream tomorrow! Bye!" 

I ended my stream, grabbing my keys and jumping into the car.

It took 10 minutes to get to Tommy's school but when I did I saw another missed message from him. 

<Tommy> I'm in the reception. Apparently, I have to get someone to sign me out? Some bullshit with another kid.

<Wilbur> Is everything okay? Shall I come in?

<Tommy> Everything's fine but it would be great if you could come inside.

<Wilbur> I'm coming in. Don't worry.

I got out of the car and made my way into the school reception. A lady was sat behind a desk and a sheet of plexiglass, the receptionist. Tommy was curled up on a chair in the corner, dried tear tracks on his face. I walked over to the receptionist, "Hey, I'm here to collect Tommy." 

"Okay, just sign your name, date, time and Tommy's full name here and then you can go." 

Name - Wilbur Soot Watson. (Lmao, I love using that. For the people that were wondering, it is because Watson is Phil's surname.)
Date: 27/02/21
Time: 3:53 pm
Child's name: Thomas Rivers. (Don't want to use his actual last name.)

"The reason he needed to stay behind was that he punched someone." The lady shook her head, "Wouldn't tell me why."  I felt a strange sense of protectiveness over Tommy and I knew that there was more to the story.

"Well, I'm sure he had a valid reason too." 

"We do not condone bullying here-" 

"Ma'am. I apologise, but Tommy is the least likely to punch someone without a solid backing to it. There has to have been a reason and you can't just expect him to tell you that. It isn't bullying if someone has said something to make him feel the need to punch them. Instead, they'd be bullying him." I turned to Tommy, "C'mon buddy, let's go." 

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