Please don't treat me differently - Tommy

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T/W mentioned abuse, car crashes.

Tommy's P.O.V

I was so stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why on earth did I agree to meet up with the others. Wilbur was the one to suggest it. Late one night, in a huge group call.


We were on a call, at 2 in the morning. We being, Wilbur, Tubbo, Phil, Techno, Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Nikki and me. We had been talking about video ideas and then Tubbo and my ideas for the summer since we were off school for 6 weeks. "Why don't we all meet up?" Wilbur's voice suddenly raised in volume. 

"That's a good idea. In fact, I've been thinking of renting a place out for a while and everyone could stay up here for a week or two." Dream added.

"I mean, I'm in. Tommy and Tubbo, you two should go and ask your parents." 

I knew it would take me way too long to get downstairs and then back upstairs again, plus my camera was on so they would see my crutches so instead, I just brought out my phone sending a message to my mother.

<Tommy> Hey, all of my friends are planning a meetup and they wanted me to go with them. We would be going to Florida. Would that be fine?

<MotherInnit> Of course, Me and Dan have been hoping that you'd go out this summer since you've been cooped up inside for the past 5 years now. Just let me know the dates and places and I can help you sort through everything. 

Well. I mean she wasn't wrong. Ever since the accident I hadn't left my house. 

Another Flashback - sorry

I hated my father. With a burning passion. It was as though everything he did, he did in an attempt to cause me pain. For example, drink driving with me in the back seat. I was 11 when he did it. And when I say drink driving, I don't mean he'd had a beer or two, I mean he had been drinking straight vodka almost 2 litres of it. He was swerving through the lanes and it was a miracle that he had even managed to get out onto the main road. However, luck wasn't on our side. My father swerved onto the opposite side of the road, just in time to collide with a massive food truck. I don't remember anything after that. Not until I woke up in the hospital, bright lights searing my eyes and fuelling the pounding ache in my skull. I slipped in and out of consciousness for days, then weeks, then months. 3 months passed before I began to recover properly. That's when I got the news that in my right leg, I had broken both my tibia and fibula severely. From the knee all the way down to the ankle. Because of said injury, I wasn't going to be able to walk for a while and then when I could walk again, I would have a permanent limp. I thought that I could prove the doctors wrong, or that maybe it wouldn't be as bad as my brain was making it out to be but I was stupid to think so. Some rare days I was able to walk around without using either of my crutches, only limping a little. Most days I had to use at least one crutch otherwise my leg would buckle and I would hit the ground. On the bad days, I couldn't put any pressure on my leg without severe pain and then immobilization. 

You see, this was something that I was kind of...embarrassed about. I thought that it made me weak. In the car wreck, my father had passed away. My mother was upset, to begin with, but she quickly realised how much happier life was without him weighing us down and treating us like his slaves. She began to date again, meeting Dan after only a year and a half. At first, he treated me like an incapable child and I despised him for it but he quickly learnt and adapted to it, treating me like a normal kid and waiting for me to ask him for help.

I never told my friends. I started streaming as soon as I reached 14, looking for something that could be my escape. I met Tubbo soon after, immediately becoming best friends. Still, I never told him because I was so afraid that he would look at me differently and act strange around me like I was helpless. We met Wilbur, Phil and Techno next followed by Dream, George and Sapnap. Soon, I had a new family, almost. A fully functioning family that treated me how I wanted to be treated and never did anything to cause me harm or torment. I was happy.

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