Safe - Tommy

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T/W abuse and mild description of injury

Phil's P.O.V

Turning in my chair and looking at the red, flashing numbers on my desk clock, I saw that it was 2 am. I was closing my editing software, getting ready to shut off my computer so I could sleep when a video call request popped up on my screen.

Incoming Call: TommyInnit

For a moment I debated letting it ring out knowing that both of us needed to sleep but I knew that Tommy wouldn't be calling so late unless something was wrong. Moving my mouse, I pressed accept. Tommy's webcam loaded in and instantly I knew something bad had happened. Tommy was pacing back and forth with both hands gripping his hair. His breathing was fast and irregular as one of his hands moved down to clutch his shirt at his chest. "Tommy?" I said softly.

"Phil, I- It was my fault...I- I knew he was angry but I was just trying to help-" He cut himself off with a sob.

"Tommy, sweetheart, can you come and sit down, please? You'll pass out if you keep pacing like that." 

Thankfully, Tommy was lucid enough to complete my request, sinking down into his chair. Now that he was closer to the camera, I saw the dark purply-red that was spread over his cheekbone and the corner of his eye. His eye was swollen to the point it was half shut and the iris itself looked cloudy. I could see there was blood on his fingers, some of it had spread into the front blonde curls of his hair where he had been gripping at it. 

"Toms, I want you to take 5 nice deep breaths, alright? You can do it." I whispered. Tommy nodded, eyes darting around the room as he calmed himself down. 

Once his breathing evened out, I sat forwards asking a question, "Toms, what happened?" 

"I- He was angry and he broke the sink. Water was going everywhere and he was screaming at me to help him so I did but he was angry and once I had done what he needed me to do he hit me and- fuck. It hurts Ph-Phil." He whimpered.

"Who hit you, Tommy?" I said, feeling the dread crawling up my throat. 

"M-My dad." 

"Shit, okay, are you injured anywhere other than your face?" I tried not to sound too alarmed as I grabbed my keys and wallet off of my desk.

"Think my ribs are broken 'nd back of my heads bleeding." 

"Can you turn round so I can see?" 

He - once again - did as I asked, spinning around his chair so the back of his head was visible. His blonde hair was matted with blood, the red substance staining the back of his t-shirt as it dripped down. 

"Oh my god. Okay, Toms, I need you to put some clothes into a bag, don't worry about the rest of it."

"Phil I can't do this tonight, I just need to be sure that I don't have a concussion then I can go back home."

"Tommy it isn't safe-" I began.

"I know, Phil... Okay? I know!" He cut in, "But I can't leave now. I...can't say why just trust me."

"At least let me take you to the hospital then."

"Okay...yeah, yeah that's fine."

"I'm leaving now, alright?  I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I hung up the call rushing out to my car with the keys I had already grabbed. Putting them in the ignition, I started the short journey to Tommy's house.

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