Overwhelmed - Tommy + Karl + Sapnap + Quackity

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Heads up, in this, Karl lives in Brighton and Sapnap and Quackity have just moved in with him.

Tommy's P.O.V

It was too much. All of it. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I didn't know exactly what I was feeling but I knew that it was too much. It felt like there was constant pressure on me to do perfectly. If I got one thing wrong on stream then everyone would be disappointed in me.

My parents were angry, which wasn't that much of a surprise but this time they had a reason. My entire family had gone to IPN college but I failed to get in. They told me that my application had been rejected because I wasn't the right fit. Because I hadn't gotten a 9 (A*) In maths. I had only gotten a 4 (C-). A 4 is still a standard pass but it wasn't good enough for the college and in reality, I really struggled with maths. 

I had taken the letter to my room to read it through:


Dear Thomas,

Thank you for your application to IPN college. We are unable to offer you a member position at this time. We review all of our applicants with the same process, screening, reference check and interview. Based on our findings, we do not deem you a good match for our program. You do not meet the requirements for the supposed position.

We hope that you are able to find another avenue in which to satisfy your desire to serve the community. You can see other service opportunities on our website. For local options, contact the MKP agency. Good Luck to you.


The IPN admittance team.

My parents had seen that I had gotten a letter from IPN and being the nosy people they are, they decided to take the letter from my room when I went to school and read it.

When I got home...well. There was trouble. The second I opened the door I saw my parents stood in the hallway, unreadable expressions on their faces. "Um, did something happen?" I asked.

 "Just go and sit in the living room." My dad said coldly.

I did as I was told, taking a seat in the living room. "We found the letter from IPN." My mum said, taking a seat opposite me, "I cannot tell you how disappointed we are. You are the first person since my great grandfather to not get accepted into the college. I don't understand where we went wrong with you. Maybe it's all the time you spend online, perhaps we should limit that."

"What?! You can't do that."

"Yes, we can and we will," My father cut in, "Give us one reason why we shouldn't." 

"Because of my friends! You already limit the time I spend with them and if you limit it further things will only get worse." I responded.

"Sorry? Is that a threat? Look at you, I don't think this can get much worse."

"What do you mean?"

"You were supposed to be good at maths, you were supposed to get into IPN, you were supposed to be a normal kid, into sports and not playing video games for a living. You were supposed to have a proper part-time job by now and have manners and not swear 24/7. You were supposed to be a good son and be into mechanics and science like me but no. You just had to be different. You just had to fuck everything up." 

Tears filled my eyes and my father shook his head and jeered, "Weak. Of course. Get out and don't come back until you're better." He pointed towards the front door and my eyes widened. I was getting kicked out. I stood up grabbing my phone from the table and my coat from the hall before stepping out the door.

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