Heart-stopping - Tommy

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T/W Seizures, hospitals, blood mention

Ranboo's P.O.V

Tommy and I were staying at Tubbos house for a while. It was our first meetup together and everything was going amazingly.

It was a well-known fact to anyone who knew Tommy, that he had seizures. He was diagnosed with epilepsy when he was 6 and had been suffering a multitude of different seizures several times a day. Usually, it was just absence seizures, they looked a little like daydreaming, except Tommy had no recollection of being zoned out. There was just a gap in time for him. These happened several times a day and he'd normally be quite confused after them so we'd just let him know that he had had a seizure and then catch him up on anything that he had missed. Then, there were the atonic seizures. These consisted of Tommy's head dropping. It was never a full body drop, just his head. There was often some form of warning sign before they happened so Tubbo and I would know to be ready to catch his head when he inevitably lurched forwards. They happened less than the absence seizures but still a considerable amount. Finally, he got tonic-clonic seizures. Sometimes it was only tonic and he would just tense up, becoming unresponsive, other times it would be clonic as well and he would shake and jerk non-violently. Tubbo and I had both been present for multiple of each seizure so we knew exactly what to do and not to panic. The first few times had been alarming for me but Tubbo had obviously met up with Tommy before and dealt with them then so he was able to guide me through and get me used to them.

Tubbo and I kept our phones turned on at night so that if Tommy needed us he could call or message us to get our attention and we'd be with him in seconds. So far, the situation had only happened once.

It was 1 am and my body clock was still slightly behind - jetlag and all - so I was struggling to get to sleep. I guess scrolling through Twitter wasn't exactly helpful if I was trying to sleep but I was glad that I had stayed on my phone when a text came through.

<Tommy> Ran r u awake? Can you comd to my roim?

I could tell from his rushed and inaccurate typing that something was wrong.

<Ranboo> On my way x

Slipping my phone into my hoodie pocket, I made my way into the upstairs office where Tommy was set up on a blow-up mattress. "Hey Toms," I said quietly, making my way to sit beside him, "What's up?"

"I'm s'rry for both'ring you," He slurred his words slightly, keying me in on his exhaustion, "Had...seizure but- gonna h've an'ther one."

"You already had one but you're gonna have another?" I clarified.

"Alr'dy started."

"It's already started? Oh sweetheart, okay, that's fine."

I pulled the sheets away slightly so he wouldn't get himself tangled up in them before returning to my earlier position of hovering slightly over him, brushing his hair out of his face. His eyes were glassy, trained on something that no one but he could see. He lay still for a moment before his eyes rolled and his body went tense, shuddering slightly. "There you go Tommy, you're okay, I've got you," I whispered vaguely remembering a conversation I once had with him where he told me that he could hear things happening around him while he was seizing but he wasn't able to respond. I wanted to keep him as comfortable as possible.

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