Deadnamed - Tommy + SBI pt3

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Coming out and a summary.

Tommy's P.O.V

It had been almost 3 months since the incident and I still hadn't told anyone outside of SBI and Tubbo. Today was the day. I was going to tell the SMP. 

Wilbur had been encouraging me to. Techno promised that it would be fine and no one would think differently of me and Phil told me that they would sit by me and support me.

I guess it was now or never. I decided to message Eret first since I knew that he would understand me.

<Tommy> Hey Eret, can I talk to you about something?

Only a minute or two passed before my phone buzzed:

<Eret> Yeah of course, what's up?

<Tommy> I'm transgender. Female to Male. 

I held my breath, placing my phone on the bed and wringing my hands as I waited for a response.

<Eret> I'm so proud of you for telling me! You know that you'll always be accepted by me, no matter what!

<Eret> Only if you want to. Do you want me to add you to the LGBTQ+ Server? We made one for the people on the Dream SMP. It has Dream, George, Nikki, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Ant and Puffy :))

<Tommy> Yeah sure :)

A couple of minutes later I saw that I had been added to a new group. LGBTQ+ Group :)

<Eret> Hey guys, we have a new member! :)

<Quackity> Tommy? Pog, what's up man?

<Nikki> Tommy! Welcome :)

<Karl> :) Hello!

<Tommy> Hey!

<Eret> Whenever we add people to the discord, you need to put your name, pronouns and a bit about yourself :)) Here, I'll start.

<Eret> My name is Eret, I go by any pronouns and I'm bisexual.

<Nikki> I'm Nikki, I go by she/her and I am bisexual :))

<Karl> Karl. He/They. I'm asexual and gay. ^-^

<Quackity> Alex/Quackity. He/Him. Bisexual.

<Sapnap> Nick/Sapnap. He/Him. Pansexual.

<Dream> Clay/Dream. He/Him. Bisexual.

<George> George. He/Him. Gay.

<Antfrost> Ant. He/Him. Gay.

<CaptainPuffy> Cara/Puffy. She/Her. Bisexual. :)

<TommyInnit> Tommy. He/Him. Transgender. Female to Male.

<Nikki> Yay! Welcome, Tommy!

<Eret> We officially have 10 members!

<Karl> Heyyy! I'm proud of you Tommy!

<Tommy> Thank you, guys!

<CaptainPuffy> No problem.

Well, that gave me a lot more confidence. I felt good about myself. Proud even. There were days that I couldn't shower or look in the mirror because I was so afraid of seeing the body that wasn't mine. Those days I would wear my binder for a lot longer than I was supposed to, wear the baggiest clothes I could find (usually stealing on of Wilbur or Techno's hoodies), and I'd hide away, trying my hardest to distract myself so I wouldn't break down. But right then. I felt good. Before I could stop myself, I had opened the Dream SMP discord and started typing.

<Tommy> @everyone, I feel like I owe everyone an explanation. It is way overdue. So, to put it simply, I'm transgender. I was born a female but I knew that I wasn't supposed to be. My parents didn't like that. They didn't respect it, always calling me by my deadname or the wrong pronouns. I was sexually idealised and stereotyped based on the gender I was assigned at birth. I tried to avoid being home as much as possible. My father lost his job 2 years ago and I've been paying for everything by streaming. When he lost his job he turned into an alcoholic and refused to be an adult. Things often got pretty violent and he lost his temper, a LOT. But about 3 months ago, on the night we were supposed to film a lore stream, things got to the worst they ever had. My father broke his beer bottle and used the shard to stab my side and try to slit my throat. He somewhat succeeded and if Wilbur hadn't called me when he did then I probably would've bled out in my hallway. Wilbur and Phil saved my life and I got taken to a hospital. I couldn't talk for 6 weeks which I why I never joined any calls. Obviously, I can talk now but I still lose my voice a lot. I cover my scar before streams which is why none of you have ever seen it. CPS and the police got involved and all custody was given to Phil, so I'm technically his son now. I'm sorry that I waited so long to tell you, it was just a lot to process. 

<Dream> Thank you for telling us! I can't imagine what that must have been like but just know that we accept you and we're glad that you're safe!

<AweSAMdude> <3 <3 <3 I'm so proud of you for telling us! We're all here for you.

<Bad> Me and Skeppy are proud of you and we hope that you're doing okay! You can always talk to either of us if you need to. 

<Sapnap> <3 That sounds awful and I can't imagine how hard it must have been going through it but I can promise you that we're all here for you.

I got messages all throughout the day from my friends and I couldn't be happier. They cared. They cared and they didn't hate me. They tod me that they were proud of me and that they would be there when I needed them. It was more than I could have asked for. 

Sorry, I was still really sick today so I just wrote this really short one as a kind of summary of the topic. I did change some peoples sexuality aka George, Dream, Sapnap, Quackity and partially Karl, but I needed more people so I did it :) I don't think they have said that they are uncomfortable with that, but if they have then let me know!

This was really bad, sorry!

Take care!

950 words

love you guys

- Ace O

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