Service Dog - Tommy (pt3)

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2 years later.

Wilbur's P.O.V

Because of Tommy's experience with trauma and the fact that his parents never listened to him when he needed help, he tended to hide it when he wasn't feeling well. It was generally up to Bailey to come and alert us when Tommy refused to. That's how it was on a cold Sunday morning. Tubbo had left Tommy's side for just 5 minutes, while he ran and got something from his parents - he was staying the night. Tubbo lived close by so he was over nearly every day. It was barely 2 minutes after Tubbo had left that Baily came rushing down the hall, her small claws skittering on the wood. She ran straight to me, nudging my leg with her muzzle then tugging at my sleeve so I would follow her. She ran straight back to where Tommy was laying on the floor, clearing having passed out. I knelt down, pulling Tommy's head into my lap. There, I began to run my fingers gently through his hair. There a was a scratch down his face where he had presumably hit something on his fall. A little blood beaded in the cut, but it wasn't anything too serious. Probably just going to bruise. Bailey sat down at his side and pawed at his hand. There was cut across it, deeper than the one on his face. Blood was dripping down onto the wooden floor so I quickly lifted his hand, holding it in my own. "Bailey, look after him, I'll be right back," I said. I put Tommy's hand down again and raced into the kitchen, grabbing some kitchen roll, before running back. I wrapped Tommy's hand in the paper towels, using another to wipe the floor.

A few minutes passed, and Tommy began to wake up. "Hey, buddy," I whispered, "You with me?" 


"Yeah, love, I've got you, don't worry. Did you pass out?" 

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry, sh-shit T-Tubbo isn't back y-yet is he?!" 

"No, why?"

"Just...I don't like...I hate this. I hate that I faint all the time, that I have seizures, I hate everything that's wrong with me and I hate people dealing with it. I'm sorry that I'm a burden, I-I...I'm s-sorry W-Wilbur." He whimpered. I sat him up and pulled him to sit sideways in my lap, rocking us back and forth. "Tommy, Tommy you are never, never, a burden you hear me?" I asked, "Just because your body isn't so kind to you, it doesn't mean you're a burden. We like to take care of you. You're my little brother and I will do anything to make sure you're okay. I love you. Okay?" 

Tommy smiled, "Thank you W-Will." 

"No problem love." 


Tubbo's P.O.V

Tommy and I had just done a stream in his room and I could tell he didn't feel good, urging him to end it early. Bailey was restless, constantly getting up, licking Tommy's hand and then lying back down again. She was trying to get him to calm down, have a break, maybe lie down for a bit. It was about the 6th time she did it that I turned to him, "Hey, she's alerting you." I said quietly. 

"I know." He murmured

"You need to listen to her. You know what? Let's lie down and watch a film." I replied. I took Tommy's hand, leading him to his bed. We lay down side by side, putting a film on his tv. 

Within 10 minutes, Bailey was nudging at my hand to get my attention. I looked over at Tommy just in time to feel him tense up and see his eyes roll back. He was having a seizure. I jumped up and ran from the room looking for someone to help. I ran to Techno's room, knocking frantically.

"Come in?" Techno's low monotone voice said.

I pushed open the door, "Tommy's having a seizure!" 

"Oh crap!" Techno pushed himself away from his desk, pulling the headphones off of his head and following me back to Tommy's room.

Techno ran over to the bed, kneeling beside it, "Hey Tubbo? I need you to go and get Phil for me." 

Immediately, I was off again, running down the stairs to the kitchen where I knew Phil was making food. "Phil!" I said loudly. The man turned to face me. "Techno said to come and get you, Tommy's having a seizure." 

"Okay, thank you Tubbo." He said.

We made our way back upstairs and when we got in the room, Tommy had stopped seizing but he was still unconscious. Techno had the young boy in his lap, running his fingers through his golden hair. "Just a short one," Techno said quietly.


Bailey whined, pawing at the cabinet in Tommy's wall. I walked over and opened it. Inside was multiple pull-out trays, filled with Tommy's medications and such. Bailey began to nose the top tray which was explicitly for epilepsy supplies. I pulled out the pills that Tommy would need to take since it was getting close to dinner time. 

Techno's P.O.V

I was sat at my desk, editing a video when I heard someone knocking at my door. "Come in?" I said.

The door opened, and Tubbo stood there looking a little scare, "Tommy's having a seizure!" He said sounding panicked. My heart dropped. I quickly pushed myself away from my computer setup, following Tubbo to Tommy's room. My little brother was lying on the bed, body locked in a seizure. "Hey, Tubbo? I need you to go and get Phil for me." I said. The boy nodded and ran off. I knelt down beside the bed, counting slowly as I waited for the seizure to end. Thankfully it ended only 17 seconds after I had started counting - a short seizure. I scooped up my little brother and sat down on the bed so he was lying in my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, in an act to try and soothe him. Tubbo returned with Phil, who checked Tommy over, while Tubbo got out Tommy's medication with Bailey's remittance. It didn't take Tommy long to wake up and once he did, I got him to take his medicine before lying down again. Tubbo moved up onto the bed to lie beside us and hold Tommy's hand. The younger quickly fell asleep seeming exhausted. "Bailey kept alerting him but he wouldn't listen," Tubbo said quietly.

"What? He ignored her completely?" Phil asked, concern evident in his voice.

"No, no. He praised her for letting us know but didn't really act on it. He just insisted he was fine." Tubbo replied sheepishly.

"That's because he thinks he's a burden." I turned my head to see Wilbur leaning against the door frame. "He had a blackout earlier and when he woke up he told me that he felt like he was weak and a burden, I tried to convince him he wasn't but he doesn't like asking us for help because he feels like it'll just stress us out." 

"We're going to change that," Phil said.

We were all there to keep Tommy safe, we were a family and we wanted more than anything to protect him. Tubbo was Tommy's best friend, he loved the boy like a brother and wanted the best, just like us. We just needed to make sure Tommy knew that.

I didn't know how to end this I'm really sorry! This is awful I know but the past few days have been strange, to say the least.

I love you all a lot!

Take care of yourselves!

1270 words

- Ace O

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