Something's not right here pt 2 - Tommy

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T/W Abuse, violence.

George's P.O.V

When Tommy's parents got home, I couldn't help but watch out for anything off. Sadly, I found a few things.

The first thing was when they got home. Tommy flinched when he heard the front door open and close. Nikki noticed it too, a frown tugging at her lips as she looked over at me to see if I had seen it. 

Once he had recovered from the shock of his parents being home he got up and told us that he was going to say hi to them. I followed him out to the top of the stairs to see both his mother and father standing at the bottom. I watched as Tommy got to the bottom of the stairs and his dad immediately grabbed his wrist. I couldn't hear the conversation as his parents were speaking in hushed tones and I was nowhere near close enough to decipher any of the words being said. The grip on Tommy's wrist was tight enough that the skin was turning completely white and Tommy's jaw was clenched with pain. I was trying to decide as to whether or not I should intervene but by the time I had convinced myself to go down and help, Tommy was making his way back upstairs. He tugged his hoodie sleeve down and flashed me a small smile. His dad noticed me and smiled politely. I was so confused.

We made our way back into Tommy's room, sitting down. "So, are we leaving tomorrow morning?" Jack asked.

"No, uh, I have college tomorrow. My parents are...strict about it," Tommy said, he still looked a little shocked, "Uh, we'll have to leave the day after tomorrow, if that's okay?" 

"Yeah, that's fine. George, Nikki, Tubbo and I will go around and do some vlogging tomorrow then and I'll pick you up after college?" 

"Oh, yeah. Sounds like a plan." 

Jack, Nikki, Tubbo and I were staying in a hotel near Tommy's house so we decided to head out as it was already getting late.

As I stood at the edge of the door, half in, half out, I turned back to Tommy.

"Call me if you need anything," I said.

He blinked, surprised, "Oh, uh, I will. See you tomorrow." 


Back in college the next day.

Eryn's P.O.V

"Tommy, what do you mean?" I asked.

"He told me if I messed up another test score he would kill me. I don't doubt it. Eryn, I'm so scared of him." 

My heart broke. "Tommy, you can't go home. Come to mine? Go on the road trip immediately?" 

"We can't. Jack cancelled picking me as they're too far away and they won't get to my house until 7. My dad already...he...just look." Tommy held up his phone, now on messages. 

<From Dad>
Your teacher sent me the test results from last week.
Be ready.
I stand by what I said.
If you're even a minute late, it'll be so much worse.

"Tommy, this is evidence." I took a screenshot on his phone.

"I have to go home." 

"No, you don't! Wait at mine for Jack to come and get you and then-" He cut me off.

"No, Eryn, I'd still need to get my things."

"Fine, get your things and then come to mine. You can get out of the house before your dad gets home." 

"Okay. I-...I'll do that." 

"Just be safe." 

"I will."

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