Hide and seek...gone wrong? - Tommy

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T/W Injury descriptions

Jack's P.O.V

It was Tommy, Tubbo, Nikki and I. We had met up in Tommy's hometown and were just chilling in the park. Now and again we would pick up the camera and record a bit but we were mostly there to relax. Nikki and I were sitting back and talking while watching the younger two run around like they were little kids again. 

We had spent the day walking around the Arboretum (A victorian park) and The Bell Inn caves (A labyrinth of medieval chambers that had been changed into a pub. It was a lot of walking especially in the unusually hot weather so it made sense that Nikki and I were tired. We couldn't quite understand how both Tommy and Tubbo still had so much energy. 

After, talking for a bit and vlogging a small explanation of the day we decided to play hide and seek. I was the seeker while the other three were hiding. 

"5...4...3...2...1...I'm coming to find you!" I yelled. 

I checked all of the normal spots like under the slides and benches, then I looked inside the weird climbing structure thing where I caught sight of Nikki. I snuck up behind her and made her jump before getting her to help me find the others. 

It took us an embarrassingly long time to realise that the others had actually left the park. Nikki hadn't been there before so she didn't really know her way around but Tommy and I had been walking there multiple times in the past so I knew which way he would've gone. 

We left the park and started walking down the adjacent path. I knew that they wouldn't have gone too far as Tubbo didn't know his way around and they were most likely running out of energy. I kept the camera on, holding it up at about head height as we walked. My arm quickly got tired though so I had to turn it off. 

Only a couple of minutes after I had put down the camera, my phone buzzed with a call. Taking it out of my pocket I was able to see the contact ID.


I picked up the call expecting to hear some sort of taunting or teasing for being so slow to get to them but that wasn't what happened.

"Jack?! Jack please help!" Tubbo said, his voice was shaky and I could tell he was panicking.

"Tubbo? What's happened?!" 

"Tommy fell and he's bleeding! He was hyperventilating and then he just passed out!" 

"Okay, can you describe where you are?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady so I wouldn't freak Tubbo out any more than he already was.

"We...uh...we just passed some workout equipment thing and then we were beside this huge drop." 

"Alright, I know where you are, we're only a couple of minutes away, I can already see the exercise machines from here." 

Nikki and I broke into a run as we rushed to get to the others. I saw Tubbo, looking down over the edge of a rocky overhang. "Where is-" I began. Tubbo just pointed. Thankfully Tommy hadn't fallen all the way to the bottom but he'd still fallen a good 2 metres. He was laying on his side on a small rock that was jutting out from the side. His face was completely devoid of colour and I could see blood smeared across his forehead. My mind blanked. What was I supposed to do? My first instinct was to call Tommy's dad. Phil. But then again we didn't know how serious Tommy's injuries could be and I didn't want to leave him bleeding out or something if I could stop it. "Tubbo, can you call an ambulance for me? Nikki and I need to get down to him." I asked. Tubbo pulled out his phone dialling 999 as I began to make my way down on a safer part. Nikki followed close behind. It wasn't difficult for us to get down to him and by the time we were at his side he had begun to wake up, involuntary whimpers and cries slipping past his lips. "Easy honey," Nikki cooed, crouching down, "Can you tell us what hurts?" 

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